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Git pull mirror from upstream repo https://github.com/LibreOffice/core.git. Please use upstream repo for contributions.
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Helmfile / Helm chart-based deployment automation for openDesk Community Edition.
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This is a prototype of a semi-automatic data anonymization app for German documents.
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Playwright-based test automation for the openDesk.
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Das FIM Portal ist die zentrale Anlaufstelle für Informationen und Daten des Föderalen Informationsmanagements - https://neu.fimportal.de
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Frontpage of the developer portal | https://docs.fitko.de/
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umwelt.info development infrastructure automation
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umwelt.info production infrastructure automation
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Git pull mirror from upstream repo https://github.com/univention/provisioning-api.git. Please use upstream repo for contributions.
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Git pull mirror from upstream repo https://github.com/univention/ums-stack-data.git. Please use upstream repo for contributions.
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Git pull mirror from upstream repo https://github.com/univention/e2e-tests.git. Please use upstream repo for contributions.
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Git pull mirror from upstream repo https://github.com/univention/univention-portal.git. Please use upstream repo for contributions.
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Git pull mirror from upstream repo https://github.com/univention/keycloak-extensions.git. Please use upstream repo for contributions.
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Git pull mirror from upstream repo https://github.com/univention/container-umc.git. Please use upstream repo for contributions.