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BMI / OZG-Rahmenarchitektur / OZGSec / Helm-Chart
European Union Public License 1.2Helm-Chart für das Deployment des OZG-Security-Challenge-Schnelltests in Kubernetes-Umgebungen
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BMI / openDesk / Components / Product Development / Charts / openDesk Alerts
Apache License 2.0A Helm chart for deploying prometheus alert rules specific to OpenDesk as PrometheusRule objects.
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Dataport AöR / Terminfinder / terminfinder-helmCharts
European Union Public License 1.2The "Terminfinder" offers a fast and easy way to create digital polls. Digitale Abstimmungen aus dem Norden - ein Angebot von Dataport und dem Land Schleswig-Holstein
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piveau / piveau-hub - Data storage / Piveau Hub Search
Apache License 2.0Updated -
piveau / piveau-hub - Data storage / Piveau Hub Store
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Interessengemeinschaft Betrieb von Containern (IG BvC) / AG Signatur von Containern / fulcio-rekor-rollout
Apache License 2.0Updated -
BMI / openDesk / Components / Product Development / Charts / openDesk Keycloak Bootstrap
Apache License 2.0A Helm chart to bootstrap Keycloak for the needs of openDesk.
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BMI / openDesk / Component Code / Realtime communication / Element / nordeck_feedback_application
Apache License 2.0Git pull mirror from upstream repo https://github.com/nordeck/feedback-application. Please use upstream repo for contributions.
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BMI / openDesk / Component Code / Realtime communication / Element / nordeck_matrix_meetings
Apache License 2.0Git pull mirror from upstream repo https://github.com/nordeck/matrix-meetings.git. Please use upstream repo for contributions.
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Git pull mirror from upstream repo https://gitlab.open-xchange.com/oss/appsuite/cacheservice/cacheservice. Please use upstream repo for contributions.
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BMI / openDesk / Component Code / Groupware / OX AppSuite 8 / core-user-guide
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Git pull mirror from upstream repo https://gitlab.open-xchange.com/oss/appsuite/core/user-guide. Please use upstream repo for contributions.
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BMI / openDesk / Component Code / Project management / OpenProject / openproject-helm-charts
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyGit pull mirror from upstream repo https://github.com/opf/helm-charts. Please use upstream repo for contributions.
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BMI / openDesk / Component Code / Cross functional / Univention / univention_ics
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Git pull mirror from upstream repo https://github.com/univention/intercom-service.git. Please use upstream repo for contributions.
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BMI / openDesk / Component Code / Cross functional / Univention / ums-container-ldap
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Git pull mirror from upstream repo https://github.com/univention/container-ldap.git. Please use upstream repo for contributions.
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BMI / openDesk / Component Code / Cross functional / Univention / ums-container-udm-rest
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Git pull mirror from upstream repo https://github.com/univention/container-udm-rest.git. Please use upstream repo for contributions.
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BMI / openDesk / Component Code / Cross functional / Univention / ums-container-umc
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Git pull mirror from upstream repo https://github.com/univention/container-umc.git. Please use upstream repo for contributions.
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BMI / openDesk / Component Code / Office / CryptPad by XWiki / cryptpad-helm
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Git pull mirror from upstream repo https://github.com/cryptpad/helm. Please use upstream repo for contributions.
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Sovereign Cloud Stack / cluster-stacks
Apache License 2.0Definition of Cluster Stacks based on the ClusterAPI ClusterClass feature
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BMI / openDesk / Component Code / Cross functional / Univention / ums-stack-data
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Git pull mirror from upstream repo https://github.com/univention/ums-stack-data.git. Please use upstream repo for contributions.