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  • Thorsten Roßner's avatar
    chore(release): 0.7.0 [skip ci] · 02b76d3f
    Thorsten Roßner authored
    # [0.7.0](v0.6.0...v0.7.0) (2024-05-06)
    ### Bug Fixes
    * **ci:** Add debug option. Has to be supported by stage specific configuration containing: `debug.enabled: {{ env "DEBUG_ENABLED" | default false }}` ([3dc64842](3dc64842))
    * **element:** Provide the internal cluster domain to synapse web ([b9ac5ecf](b9ac5ecf))
    * **univention-management-stack:** Add the image configuration for NATS ([e9ec2f3a](e9ec2f3a))
    * **univention-management-stack:** Fix [#55](#55), [#35](#35) by updating chart "ums" to 0.11.2 and image "portal-listener" to 0.20.6; To update an existing installation you need to manually delete the `ums-portal-listener` stateful set before the update: `kubectl -n <your_namespace> delete statefulsets ums-portal-listener` ([2ad02708](2ad02708))
    * **univention-management-stack:** Migrate UDM-REST-API image to new Univention registry ([9be3b787](9be3b787))
    * **univention-management-stack:** Objectstore credentials ([d1bd43fa](d1bd43fa))
    * **univention-management-stack:** Update Helm chart to 0.12.0 including required changes to openDesk Helmfile deployment. ([fefd2f6c](fefd2f6c))
    * **univention-management-stack:** Use the NATS related image configuration ([cd225703](cd225703))
    ### Features
    * **element:** Add support for Matrix federation ([36139b42](36139b42))
    * **helmfile:** Introduce additional variables for mailDomain and synapseDomain ([e6fe2a7c](e6fe2a7c))
    * **services:** Add opendesk-home service, which redirects on domain to portal ([c7e21720](c7e21720))
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