an occurence followed by a white space does no longer mean that it is related to the word following the whitespace.
a minus(or other) sign followed by a white space does no longer mean that the minus sign is related to the word following the whitespace. Thus, a minus sign followed by a whitespace is not seen as a special character evoking a special behaviour anymore. The reason is that isolated dashes in titles should not lead to the exclusion of words.
As an example these to queries give the same results now: http://localhost:3000/?query=Umweltinnovationsprogramm+-+F%C3%B6rderschwerpunkte+Innovative+Abwassertechnik and http://localhost:3000/?query=Umweltinnovationsprogramm+F%C3%B6rderschwerpunkte+Innovative+Abwassertechnik, while before the data set could not be found with the first query (due to the exclusion of "Förderschwerpunkte").