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Add a pseudo-harvester to manually create datasets

Adam Reichold requested to merge manual-datasets into main

Created by: adamreichold

Given a source definition like

name = "manual"
type = "manual"
url = "file://localhost/usr/share/umwelt-info/manual_datasets.toml"

human-readable dataset descriptions like

id = "undine"
title = "Undine"
description = "Informationsplattform zu hydrologischen Extremereignissen (Hochwasser, Niedrigwasser)"
license = "Unknown"
contacts = []
tags = []
source_url = "https://undine.bafg.de/"

type = "Unknown"
url = "https://undine.bafg.de/"

placed in /usr/share/umwelt-info/manual_datasets.toml is parsed and added to the index in binary form.

Edited by Adam Reichold

Merge request reports