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Scraper for BfN - WISIA

Jakob Deller requested to merge bfn-wisia into main

Scraping the https://www.wisia.de/ (Wissenschaftliches Informationssystem zum Internationalen Artenschutz).

WISIA contains taxonomic information and protection status for protected species.

Verfügbare Namen 111848
gültige Namen 35443
Synonyme und Schreibweisen 61500
landessprachliche Namen 14905

The scraper collects the title from "gültige Namen", and amends with "landessprachliche Namen" if found.

7859 species reducing to 5729 unique "gültige Namen" are found by the wildcard search without selecting a "Regelwerk" under which the species is regulated. An additional search collecting over each Regelwerk results in a total of 22809 results.

A search with "taxon=" (empty) returns more results as a search with wildcard "taxon=*". If the latter is a subset of the first, is not clear.

Further fields to be included in the metadata scheme need to be discussed.

Closes #152 (closed), contributes to #149 (closed)

Edited by Jakob Deller

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