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Analysis of the PRTR data for 2019. Added some general information ab…

Kevin Hausmann requested to merge PRTR_2019 into main

Created by: AnnaZagorski

In the file "Convert ePRTR data to CLRTAP LPS.ipynb" I made the following changes:

  • ln 340: removed "DESC" because it didn't work in order to sort the csv-file alphabetically
  • ln 442: I took the "National Total" values from the trend tables for the year 2019

In the file "Convert ePRTR data to CLRTAP LPS.ipynb" are some remaining issues:

  • ln 472: the sums of Heavy metals, dioxines, PAH's and PCB's does not correspond to Thru.de values
  • I took the same quantiles for 2019 as 2018 in the section "4.1 Outliers"(but eventually may need to revise)
  • Restructuring of the table of contents in the ipynb
  • the prj.-file in the folder output\geo directory was changed, but but I still have to check this

Merge request reports
