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Tools v1 0

Kevin Hausmann requested to merge Tools_v1_0 into main

Created by: enricodammers

Hi All,

I made this pull request so that Kevin can try some things out and work on reformatting the code following his vision.

Test functions are incomplete and i'll add them in a later commit. Probably tomorrow if time works out.

I spend some time implementing Beirle and im quite happy how it works right now.

You should be able to run Beirle for germany without any problem.

See the email for some examples between one of our inventories and the estimates from Fioletov and Beirle.

Also see the TODO's for things that i'd like to add where possible.

I ran Fioletov at 0.1x0.1 resolution on our supercomputers and the results do not seem to change much compared to the 0.2x0.2 version, only the amout of detail available.



Merge request reports
