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Fix needrestart configuration

Kurt Garloff requested to merge fix_needrestart_config into main

Created by: matofeder

Needrestart is part of the apt-get upgrade process in Ubuntu 22.04. By default, it is set to an "interactive" mode which causes the interruption of scripts. The interactive mode is applied when the new kernel version is available after the upgrade process or when upgraded services need to restart.


Needrestart causes that after the new kernel is released and/or a new version of some upgraded service is released the needrestart daemon opens an interactive dialog and interrupts scripts e.g. as follows:

  • A new kernel version is available Screenshot from 2023-02-20 14-34-19

  • Services should be restarted image

Steps to reproduce the issue

Create the management host (make create) using TF variable: image = "Ubuntu 22.04" .


This PR adds a custom configuration file that overrides mentioned settings and ensures the following:

  • Kernel hints are printed only to STDERR
  • Services are restarted automatically if needed


  • It is necessary to configure the needrestart daemon within the cloud-config script as the cloud-config script
    upgrades packages package_upgrade: true
  • NEEDRESTART_SUSPEND=1 variable has been removed as we have global settings in place now
  • IMO automatic restart of services after an upgrade is a better approach than ignoring the needed restart of services by suspending the needrestart daemon

Merge request reports