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calico had not really been updated to v3.24.1 before.

Kurt Garloff requested to merge fix/calico-really-v3.24.1 into main

Created by: garloff

In commit 176cc01b, we wanted to update calico to v3.24.1, but we really only had succeeded in updating the calicoctl binary. We had overlooked that the deployment yaml was stored in kubernetes-manifests.d/ and still old (v3.22.1).

Unfortunately, the v3.22.1 does not work with k8s-1.25, causing serious failure.

Note: We currently have a parameter that allows us to set the calico version from the terraform variables, which is mostly ineffective, as it only affects the calicoctl binary. Will report and fix this in a subsequent issue.

Signed-off-by: Kurt Garloff kurt@garloff.de

Merge request reports