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  • Wolfgang Silbermayr's avatar
    docs: add administration manual · 92960c1e
    Wolfgang Silbermayr authored
    See: #509
    Closes: #510 - configuration file
    Closes: #514 - command-line usage
    Closes: #519 - HTTP service
    Closes: #520 - jobs execution system
    Closes: #529 - shared folder
    This commit adds a new crate under `crates/ci-doc-updater` which can be
    used to update source code blocks inside markdown files. For doing that,
    it uses begin and end markers that are present in the file, and replaces
    the text in between these markers. This is a very basic approach, and
    its implementation is not too memory-efficient, but I expect it to be
    robust enough for the use case, especially because the documentation
    files are not very large. Through that mechanism, developers can get
    notified by CI pipelines whenever any of the output changed and needs to
    be updated inside the markdown documentation.
    The `ci/docs-update-generated-parts.sh` script file was added. It
    calls the `opentalk-controller` executable several times with different
    command-line arguments in order to generate the output which...