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build: developer setup

Lucas Briese requested to merge build/developer-setup into dev

open questions:

  1. What should we do with the old dev setup in the readme?
  2. Is the profile dev the correct target for "local" development or should it be local?

merge after this: dashboard!10 (merged)

  • docker-compose yaml is now hierarchical
    • data-provider waits for db
      • this required a proper health check on the db container
    • cockroach has in unsafe mode no authentication -> removed passwort because else there is an error
    • services should always use a volume if possible -> added for db
  • cleanup
    • uncommented code is part of the git history and should be removed
  • eclipse-temurin:21-jdk was previously ubuntu jammy and got updated to ubuntu noble
    • pinned to ubuntu noble
    • using venv for occmd, as required since noble. Alternative would be --break-system-packages for every pip package installation: https://peps.python.org/pep-0668/
Edited by Lucas Briese

Merge request reports
