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  • bmi/opendesk/components/platform-development/charts/opendesk-jitsi
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Commits on Source (3)
# [3.0.0]( (2024-12-20)
### Bug Fixes
* Reuse compliance ([f01b632](
### Features
* Support to set HTML page title ([678d734](
* Removed option `theme.texts.productName` and added `theme.title`.
## [2.1.1]( (2024-11-27)
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Bundesministerium des Innern und für Heimat, PG ZenDiS "Projektgruppe für Aufbau ZenDiS"
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
version = 1
path = "charts/opendesk-jitsi/files/web/*.png"
SPDX-FileCopyrightText = "2024 Zentrum für Digitale Souveränität der Öffentlichen Verwaltung (ZenDiS) GmbH"
SPDX-License-Identifier = "Apache-2.0"
path = "charts/opendesk-jitsi/files/web/*.json"
SPDX-FileCopyrightText = "2024 Zentrum für Digitale Souveränität der Öffentlichen Verwaltung (ZenDiS) GmbH"
SPDX-License-Identifier = "Apache-2.0"
......@@ -21,5 +21,5 @@ keywords:
- "networking"
name: "opendesk-jitsi"
type: "application"
version: "2.1.1"
version: "3.0.0"
......@@ -13,13 +13,13 @@ To install the chart with the release name `my-release`, you have two options:
### Install via Repository
helm repo add opendesk-jitsi
helm install my-release --version 2.1.1 opendesk-jitsi/opendesk-jitsi
helm install my-release --version 3.0.0 opendesk-jitsi/opendesk-jitsi
### Install via OCI Registry
helm repo add opendesk-jitsi oci://
helm install my-release --version 2.1.1 opendesk-jitsi/opendesk-jitsi
helm install my-release --version 3.0.0 opendesk-jitsi/opendesk-jitsi
## Requirements
......@@ -270,12 +270,11 @@ helm install my-release --version 2.1.1 opendesk-jitsi/opendesk-jitsi
| settings.keycloakClientId | string | `"jitsi"` | Configured client id in keycloak. |
| settings.keycloakRealm | string | `"souvap"` | Keycloak realm name. |
| terminationGracePeriodSeconds | string | `""` | In seconds, time the given to the pod needs to terminate gracefully. Ref: |
| theme.colors.background | string | `"#121212"` | |
| theme.colors.primary | string | `"#5e27dd"` | |
| theme.colors.secondaryGreyLight | string | `"#f5f5f5"` | |
| theme.colors | object | `{"background":"#121212","primary":"#5e27dd","secondaryGreyLight":"#f5f5f5"}` | Color settings. |
| theme.imagery | object | `{"faviconSvgB64":"PHN2ZyB3aWR0aD0iMSIgaGVpZ2h0PSIxIiB4bWxucz0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy53My5vcmcvMjAwMC9zdmciLz4=","logoHeaderInvertedSvgB64":"PHN2ZyB3aWR0aD0iMSIgaGVpZ2h0PSIxIiB4bWxucz0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy53My5vcmcvMjAwMC9zdmciLz4="}` | Imagery and related settings. |
| theme.imagery.faviconSvgB64 | string | `"PHN2ZyB3aWR0aD0iMSIgaGVpZ2h0PSIxIiB4bWxucz0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy53My5vcmcvMjAwMC9zdmciLz4="` | An base64 encoded SVG image used as favicon during video conferences. |
| theme.imagery.logoHeaderInvertedSvgB64 | string | `"PHN2ZyB3aWR0aD0iMSIgaGVpZ2h0PSIxIiB4bWxucz0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy53My5vcmcvMjAwMC9zdmciLz4="` | An base64 encoded SVG image used as watermark during video conferences. |
| theme.texts.productName | string | `"openDesk"` | The name of the application that is shown to the user in the UI. |
| theme.title | string | `"Videokonferenz"` | The HTML title also used for the browser tab name. |
| tolerations | list | `[]` | Tolerations for pod assignment Ref: |
| topologySpreadConstraints | list | `[]` | Topology spread constraints rely on node labels to identify the topology domain(s) that each Node is in Ref: topologySpreadConstraints: - maxSkew: 1 topologyKey: whenUnsatisfiable: DoNotSchedule |
| updateStrategy.type | string | `"RollingUpdate"` | Set to Recreate if you use persistent volume that cannot be mounted by more than one pods to make sure the pods is destroyed first. |
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Bundesministerium des Innern und für Heimat, PG ZenDiS "Projektgruppe für Aufbau ZenDiS"
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
interfaceConfig.APP_NAME =
"{{ .Values.theme.texts.productName }} Videoconference";
"{{ .Values.theme.title }} Videoconference";
interfaceConfig.DISABLE_PRESENCE_STATUS = true;
......@@ -6,6 +6,6 @@
"welcomepage": {
"headerSubtitle": "Please enter the conference name",
"headerTitle": "Video Conferencing"
"headerTitle": "Video Conference"
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Bundesministerium des Innern und für Heimat, PG ZenDiS "Projektgruppe für Aufbau ZenDiS"
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
.meetings-list .item {
border-color: {{ .Values.theme.colors.secondaryGreyLight }};
......@@ -601,18 +601,16 @@ updateStrategy:
# Theming related settings.
# Text settings.
# -- The name of the application that is shown to the user in the UI.
productName: "openDesk"
# -- The HTML title also used for the browser tab name.
title: "Videokonferenz"
# Color settings.
# -- Color settings.
background: "#121212"
primary: "#5e27dd"
secondaryGreyLight: "#f5f5f5"
# Imagery and related settings.
# -- Imagery and related settings.
# -- An base64 encoded SVG image used as watermark during video conferences.
logoHeaderInvertedSvgB64: "PHN2ZyB3aWR0aD0iMSIgaGVpZ2h0PSIxIiB4bWxucz0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy53My5vcmcvMjAwMC9zdmciLz4="


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