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Commits on Source (6)
# [1.1.0](https://gitlab.opencode.de/bmi/opendesk/components/platform-development/charts/opendesk-alerts/compare/v1.0.0...v1.1.0) (2024-12-02)
### Bug Fixes
* Documentation of additionalAlertLabels ([b6ffd9a](https://gitlab.opencode.de/bmi/opendesk/components/platform-development/charts/opendesk-alerts/commit/b6ffd9a395e0f459f2540a042a2027f91559215f))
* Remove obsolete TODO from values.yaml ([a19ec16](https://gitlab.opencode.de/bmi/opendesk/components/platform-development/charts/opendesk-alerts/commit/a19ec1671a065c24a022b23144b243a162c138d1))
### Features
* Add alerts for shared opendesk services ([5d0756a](https://gitlab.opencode.de/bmi/opendesk/components/platform-development/charts/opendesk-alerts/commit/5d0756a9266dfb853e51a6eb68f69dc53616c014))
* Reduce extraneous labels on generated alerts ([f476dad](https://gitlab.opencode.de/bmi/opendesk/components/platform-development/charts/opendesk-alerts/commit/f476dad6eb7bd91e91d0b247a96b3662ca49acc3))
# 1.0.0 (2024-11-27)
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ name: "opendesk-alerts"
description: "A Helm chart for deploying prometheus alert rules related to openDesk"
home: "https://zendis.de"
type: "application"
version: "1.0.0"
version: "1.1.0"
category: "Monitoring"
licenses: "Apache-2.0"
......@@ -33,13 +33,13 @@ To install the chart with the release name `my-release`, you have two options:
### Install via Repository
helm repo add opendesk-alerts https://gitlab.opencode.de/api/v4/projects/3936/packages/helm/stable
helm install my-release --version 1.0.0 opendesk-alerts/opendesk-alerts
helm install my-release --version 1.1.0 opendesk-alerts/opendesk-alerts
### Install via OCI Registry
helm repo add opendesk-alerts oci://registry.opencode.de/bmi/opendesk/components/platform-development/charts/opendesk-alerts
helm install my-release --version 1.0.0 opendesk-alerts/opendesk-alerts
helm install my-release --version 1.1.0 opendesk-alerts/opendesk-alerts
## Requirements
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ helm install my-release --version 1.0.0 opendesk-alerts/opendesk-alerts
| additionalAnnotations | object | `{}` | Additional custom annotations to add to all deployed kubernetes objects |
| additionalLabels | object | `{}` | Additional custom labels to add to all deployed kubernetes objects |
| config.collabora.additionalAlertAnnotations | object | `{}` | Additional custom annotations to add to all collabora related alerts |
| config.collabora.additionalAlertLabels | object | `{}` | Additional custom labels to add to all collabora related labels |
| config.collabora.additionalAlertLabels | object | `{}` | Additional custom labels to add to all collabora related alerts |
| config.collabora.enable | bool | `true` | Enable alerts for collabora |
| config.collabora.selectors.endpoints | string | `"collabora"` | Regex which identifies endpoints belonging to collabora by name |
| config.collabora.selectors.jobs | string | `""` | Regex which identifies jobs belonging to collabora by name |
......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ helm install my-release --version 1.0.0 opendesk-alerts/opendesk-alerts
| config.collabora.selectors.pods | string | `"collabora-.+"` | Regex which identifies pods belonging to collabora by name |
| config.collabora.selectors.pvcs | string | `""` | Regex which identifies persistent volume claims belonging to collabora by name |
| config.diagrams.additionalAlertAnnotations | object | `{}` | Additional custom annotations to add to all diagrams/cryptpad related alerts |
| config.diagrams.additionalAlertLabels | object | `{}` | Additional custom labels to add to all diagrams/cryptpad related labels |
| config.diagrams.additionalAlertLabels | object | `{}` | Additional custom labels to add to all diagrams/cryptpad related alerts |
| config.diagrams.enable | bool | `true` | Enable alerts for diagrams/cryptpad |
| config.diagrams.selectors.endpoints | string | `"cryptpad"` | Regex which identifies endpoints belonging to diagrams/cryptpad by name |
| config.diagrams.selectors.jobs | string | `""` | Regex which identifies jobs belonging to diagrams/cryptpad by name |
......@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ helm install my-release --version 1.0.0 opendesk-alerts/opendesk-alerts
| config.global.additionalAlertLabels | object | `{}` | Additional custom labels to add to all generated alerts |
| config.global.alertsFiringFor | string | `"15m"` | How long an alert query must return results in order for alerts to be considered firing |
| config.jitsi.additionalAlertAnnotations | object | `{}` | Additional custom annotations to add to all jitsi related alerts |
| config.jitsi.additionalAlertLabels | object | `{}` | Additional custom labels to add to all jitsi related labels |
| config.jitsi.additionalAlertLabels | object | `{}` | Additional custom labels to add to all jitsi related alerts |
| config.jitsi.enable | bool | `true` | Enable alerts for jitsi |
| config.jitsi.selectors.endpoints | string | `"jitsi-.+"` | Regex which identifies endpoints belonging to jitsi by name |
| config.jitsi.selectors.jobs | string | `"jitsi-opendesk-jitsi"` | Regex which identifies jobs belonging to jitsi by name |
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ helm install my-release --version 1.0.0 opendesk-alerts/opendesk-alerts
| config.jitsi.selectors.pods | string | `"jitsi-.*|opendesk-jitsi-.*"` | Regex which identifies pods belonging to jitsi by name |
| config.jitsi.selectors.pvcs | string | `"prosody-data-jitsi-.+"` | Regex which identifies persistent volume claims belonging to jitsi by name |
| config.matrix.additionalAlertAnnotations | object | `{}` | Additional custom annotations to add to all matrix/synapse related alerts |
| config.matrix.additionalAlertLabels | object | `{}` | Additional custom labels to add to all matrix/synapse related labels |
| config.matrix.additionalAlertLabels | object | `{}` | Additional custom labels to add to all matrix/synapse related alerts |
| config.matrix.enable | bool | `true` | Enable alerts for matrix/synapse |
| config.matrix.selectors.endpoints | string | `"matrix-.+|opendesk-element|opendesk-synapse.+"` | Regex which identifies endpoints belonging to matrix/synapse by name |
| config.matrix.selectors.jobs | string | `"opendesk-matrix-.+|matrix-neodatefix-.+"` | Regex which identifies jobs belonging to matrix/synapse by name |
......@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ helm install my-release --version 1.0.0 opendesk-alerts/opendesk-alerts
| config.matrix.selectors.pods | string | `"matrix-.+|opendesk-synapse-.+"` | Regex which identifies pods belonging to matrix/synapse by name |
| config.matrix.selectors.pvcs | string | `"matrix-.+|media-opendesk-synapse-.+"` | Regex which identifies persistent volume claims belonging to matrix/synapse by name |
| config.nextcloud.additionalAlertAnnotations | object | `{}` | Additional custom annotations to add to all nextcloud related alerts |
| config.nextcloud.additionalAlertLabels | object | `{}` | Additional custom labels to add to all nextcloud related labels |
| config.nextcloud.additionalAlertLabels | object | `{}` | Additional custom labels to add to all nextcloud related alerts |
| config.nextcloud.enable | bool | `true` | Enable alerts for nextcloud |
| config.nextcloud.selectors.endpoints | string | `"minio|opendesk-nextcloud-aio"` | Regex which identifies endpoints belonging to nextcloud by name |
| config.nextcloud.selectors.jobs | string | `"opendesk-nextcloud-.+"` | Regex which identifies jobs belonging to nextcloud by name |
......@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ helm install my-release --version 1.0.0 opendesk-alerts/opendesk-alerts
| config.nextcloud.selectors.pods | string | `"opendesk-nextcloud-aio.*|open-xchange-nextcloud-.*"` | Regex which identifies pods belonging to nextcloud by name |
| config.nextcloud.selectors.pvcs | string | `"minio"` | Regex which identifies persistent volume claims belonging to nextcloud by name |
| config.nubus.additionalAlertAnnotations | object | `{}` | Additional custom annotations to add to all nubus related alerts |
| config.nubus.additionalAlertLabels | object | `{}` | Additional custom labels to add to all nubus related labels |
| config.nubus.additionalAlertLabels | object | `{}` | Additional custom labels to add to all nubus related alerts |
| config.nubus.enable | bool | `true` | Enable alerts for nubus |
| config.nubus.selectors.endpoints | string | `"ums-.+"` | Regex which identifies endpoints belonging to nubus by name |
| config.nubus.selectors.jobs | string | `"ums-.+|opendesk-keycloak-.+"` | Regex which identifies jobs belonging to nubus by name |
......@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ helm install my-release --version 1.0.0 opendesk-alerts/opendesk-alerts
| config.nubus.selectors.pods | string | `"ums-.+"` | Regex which identifies pods belonging to nubus by name |
| config.nubus.selectors.pvcs | string | `".+-ums-.+"` | Regex which identifies persistent volume claims belonging to nubus by name |
| config.openProject.additionalAlertAnnotations | object | `{}` | Additional custom annotations to add to all OpenProject related alerts |
| config.openProject.additionalAlertLabels | object | `{}` | Additional custom labels to add to all OpenProject related labels |
| config.openProject.additionalAlertLabels | object | `{}` | Additional custom labels to add to all OpenProject related alerts |
| config.openProject.enable | bool | `true` | Enable alerts for OpenProject |
| config.openProject.selectors.endpoints | string | `"openproject"` | Regex which identifies endpoints belonging to OpenProject by name |
| config.openProject.selectors.jobs | string | `"opendesk-openproject-.+"` | Regex which identifies jobs belonging to OpenProject by name |
......@@ -114,15 +114,23 @@ helm install my-release --version 1.0.0 opendesk-alerts/opendesk-alerts
| config.openProject.selectors.pods | string | `"openproject-.+"` | Regex which identifies pods belonging to OpenProject by name |
| config.openProject.selectors.pvcs | string | `"openproject-.+"` | Regex which identifies persistent volume claims belonging to OpenProject by name |
| config.openXChange.additionalAlertAnnotations | object | `{}` | Additional custom annotations to add to all OpenXChange related alerts |
| config.openXChange.additionalAlertLabels | object | `{}` | Additional custom labels to add to all OpenXChange related labels |
| config.openXChange.additionalAlertLabels | object | `{}` | Additional custom labels to add to all OpenXChange related alerts |
| config.openXChange.enable | bool | `true` | Enable alerts for OpenXChange |
| config.openXChange.selectors.endpoints | string | `"open-xchange-.+"` | Regex which identifies endpoints belonging to OpenXChange by name |
| config.openXChange.selectors.jobs | string | `"opendesk-open-xchange-.+"` | Regex which identifies jobs belonging to OpenXChange by name |
| config.openXChange.selectors.namespace | string | `""` | Namespace in which OpenXChange is deployed; defaults to this helm charts namespace. |
| config.openXChange.selectors.pods | string | `"open-xchange.*|ox-connector.*|opendesk-open-xchange-.*"` | Regex which identifies pods belonging to OpenXChange by name |
| config.openXChange.selectors.pvcs | string | `"ox-.+"` | Regex which identifies persistent volume claims belonging to OpenXChange by name |
| config.services.additionalAlertAnnotations | object | `{}` | Additional custom annotations to add to all shared opendesk services related alerts |
| config.services.additionalAlertLabels | object | `{}` | Additional custom labels to add to all shared opendesk services related alerts |
| config.services.enable | bool | `true` | Enable alerts for shared opendesk services |
| config.services.selectors.endpoints | string | `"clamav-.+|intercom-service|mariadb|memcached|minio|postfix|postgresql|redis-.+"` | Regex which identifies endpoints belonging to shared opendesk services by name |
| config.services.selectors.jobs | string | `"mariadb-bootstrap|minio-provisioning|postgresql-bootstrap"` | Regex which identifies jobs belonging to shared opendesk services by name |
| config.services.selectors.namespace | string | `nil` | Regex which identifies namespaces that contain shared opendesk services; defaults to this helm charts namespace |
| config.services.selectors.pods | string | `"clamav-.+|intercom-service-.+|mariadb-.+|memcached-.+|minio-.+|postfix-.+|postgresql-.+|redis-.+"` | Regex which identifies pods belonging to shared opendesk services by name |
| config.services.selectors.pvcs | string | `"clamav-.+|data-mariadb-.+|data-postgresql-.+|dovecot|minio|postfix"` | Regex which identifies persistent volume claims belonging to shared opendesk services by name |
| config.xwiki.additionalAlertAnnotations | object | `{}` | Additional custom annotations to add to all xwiki related alerts |
| config.xwiki.additionalAlertLabels | object | `{}` | Additional custom labels to add to all xwiki related labels |
| config.xwiki.additionalAlertLabels | object | `{}` | Additional custom labels to add to all xwiki related alerts |
| config.xwiki.enable | bool | `true` | Enable alerts for xwiki |
| config.xwiki.selectors.endpoints | string | `"xwiki"` | Regex which identifies endpoints belonging to xwiki by name |
| config.xwiki.selectors.jobs | string | `""` | Regex which identifies jobs belonging to xwiki by name |
......@@ -144,8 +144,9 @@ spec:
{{- if $value.selectors.jobs }}
- alert: Opendesk{{ $key | title }}JobFailed
expr: >-
kube_job_failed{job="kube-state-metrics",namespace=~"{{ $ns }}",job_name=~"{{ $value.selectors.jobs }}"}
> 0
sum by (job_name, namespace) (
kube_job_failed{job="kube-state-metrics",namespace=~"{{ $ns }}",job_name=~"{{ $value.selectors.jobs }}"}
)> 0
for: "{{ $.Values.config.global.alertsFiringFor }}"
opendeskComponent: {{ $key }}
......@@ -8,9 +8,6 @@ additionalAnnotations: {}
additionalLabels: {}
# TODO: Add endpoint filter to each service object
# -- Additional custom annotations to add to all generated alerts
......@@ -19,13 +16,32 @@ config:
additionalAlertLabels: {}
# -- How long an alert query must return results in order for alerts to be considered firing
alertsFiringFor: 15m
# -- Enable alerts for shared opendesk services
enable: true
# -- Additional custom annotations to add to all shared opendesk services related alerts
additionalAlertAnnotations: {}
# -- Additional custom labels to add to all shared opendesk services related alerts
additionalAlertLabels: {}
# -- Regex which identifies namespaces that contain shared opendesk services; defaults to this helm charts namespace
namespace: ~
# -- Regex which identifies pods belonging to shared opendesk services by name
pods: "clamav-.+|intercom-service-.+|mariadb-.+|memcached-.+|minio-.+|postfix-.+|postgresql-.+|redis-.+"
# -- Regex which identifies persistent volume claims belonging to shared opendesk services by name
pvcs: "clamav-.+|data-mariadb-.+|data-postgresql-.+|dovecot|minio|postfix"
# -- Regex which identifies jobs belonging to shared opendesk services by name
jobs: "mariadb-bootstrap|minio-provisioning|postgresql-bootstrap"
# -- Regex which identifies endpoints belonging to shared opendesk services by name
endpoints: "clamav-.+|intercom-service|mariadb|memcached|minio|postfix|postgresql|redis-.+"
# -- Enable alerts for matrix/synapse
enable: true
# -- Additional custom annotations to add to all matrix/synapse related alerts
additionalAlertAnnotations: {}
# -- Additional custom labels to add to all matrix/synapse related labels
# -- Additional custom labels to add to all matrix/synapse related alerts
additionalAlertLabels: {}
# -- Namespace in which matrix/synapse is deployed; defaults to this helm charts namespace.
......@@ -44,7 +60,7 @@ config:
enable: true
# -- Additional custom annotations to add to all diagrams/cryptpad related alerts
additionalAlertAnnotations: {}
# -- Additional custom labels to add to all diagrams/cryptpad related labels
# -- Additional custom labels to add to all diagrams/cryptpad related alerts
additionalAlertLabels: {}
# -- Namespace in which diagrams/cryptpad is deployed; defaults to this helm charts namespace.
......@@ -63,7 +79,7 @@ config:
enable: true
# -- Additional custom annotations to add to all nextcloud related alerts
additionalAlertAnnotations: {}
# -- Additional custom labels to add to all nextcloud related labels
# -- Additional custom labels to add to all nextcloud related alerts
additionalAlertLabels: {}
# -- Namespace in which nextcloud is deployed; defaults to this helm charts namespace.
......@@ -82,7 +98,7 @@ config:
enable: true
# -- Additional custom annotations to add to all OpenXChange related alerts
additionalAlertAnnotations: {}
# -- Additional custom labels to add to all OpenXChange related labels
# -- Additional custom labels to add to all OpenXChange related alerts
additionalAlertLabels: {}
# -- Namespace in which OpenXChange is deployed; defaults to this helm charts namespace.
......@@ -101,7 +117,7 @@ config:
enable: true
# -- Additional custom annotations to add to all xwiki related alerts
additionalAlertAnnotations: {}
# -- Additional custom labels to add to all xwiki related labels
# -- Additional custom labels to add to all xwiki related alerts
additionalAlertLabels: {}
# -- Namespace in which xwiki is deployed; defaults to this helm charts namespace.
......@@ -120,7 +136,7 @@ config:
enable: true
# -- Additional custom annotations to add to all nubus related alerts
additionalAlertAnnotations: {}
# -- Additional custom labels to add to all nubus related labels
# -- Additional custom labels to add to all nubus related alerts
additionalAlertLabels: {}
# -- Namespace in which nubus is deployed; defaults to this helm charts namespace.
......@@ -139,7 +155,7 @@ config:
enable: true
# -- Additional custom annotations to add to all OpenProject related alerts
additionalAlertAnnotations: {}
# -- Additional custom labels to add to all OpenProject related labels
# -- Additional custom labels to add to all OpenProject related alerts
additionalAlertLabels: {}
# -- Namespace in which OpenProject is deployed; defaults to this helm charts namespace.
......@@ -158,7 +174,7 @@ config:
enable: true
# -- Additional custom annotations to add to all jitsi related alerts
additionalAlertAnnotations: {}
# -- Additional custom labels to add to all jitsi related labels
# -- Additional custom labels to add to all jitsi related alerts
additionalAlertLabels: {}
# -- Namespace in which jitsi is deployed; defaults to this helm charts namespace.
......@@ -177,7 +193,7 @@ config:
enable: true
# -- Additional custom annotations to add to all collabora related alerts
additionalAlertAnnotations: {}
# -- Additional custom labels to add to all collabora related labels
# -- Additional custom labels to add to all collabora related alerts
additionalAlertLabels: {}
# -- Namespace in which collabora is deployed; defaults to this helm charts namespace.