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  • Skyler Grey's avatar
    Replace dead chat links · f522c2f8
    Skyler Grey authored
    The libera.chat matrix bridge shut down a while ago, so links to our
    room on matrix load forever. Additionally, we use matrix rather than the
    IRC room so we should not be advertising it when they will only need to
    be redirected to the right place if they join.
    I run a matrix homeserver (clicks.codes) and have set up a room address
    on there. By telling people this room address instead of the libera.chat
    one they can join the existing room even though libera.chat is not
    hosting matrix.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarSkyler Grey <skyler.grey@collabora.com>
    Change-Id: I8a4224f1a856e7295325196f1b1a80f860ed7962