cilium-operator pod in CrashLoopBackOff
Created by: chess-knight
$ k logs -n kube-system cilium-operator-b5695c56f-zt7nx
level=fatal msg="Failed to create gateway controller" error="failed to get API group resources: unable to retrieve the complete list of server APIs: the server could not find the requested resource" subsys=gateway-controller
It looks like #503 doesn't work as expected. I deployed the cluster with default settings but in the logs from creation I have:
terraform_data.mgmtcluster_bootstrap_files (remote-exec): # Deploy services (CNI, OCCM, CSI, Metrics, Cert-Manager, Flux2, Ingress)
terraform_data.mgmtcluster_bootstrap_files (remote-exec): ℹ️ Using Cilium version 1.14.0
terraform_data.mgmtcluster_bootstrap_files (remote-exec): 🔮 Auto-detected cluster name: democluster
terraform_data.mgmtcluster_bootstrap_files (remote-exec): 🔮 Auto-detected datapath mode: tunnel
terraform_data.mgmtcluster_bootstrap_files (remote-exec): 🔮 Auto-detected kube-proxy has not been installed
terraform_data.mgmtcluster_bootstrap_files (remote-exec): ℹ️ Cilium will fully replace all functionalities of kube-proxy
Probably these settings:
--helm-set-string "kubeProxyReplacement=${DEPLOY_GATEWAY_API}" \
--helm-set-string "gatewayAPI.enabled=${DEPLOY_GATEWAY_API}" \
here do not work correctly because of Cilium will fully replace all functionalities of kube-proxy