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Other labels 11

  • blocked
    OpenCoDE Analyzer
    This issue is currently blocked by another issue/task.
  • explicit
    OpenCoDE Analyzer
    This issue was extracted from the associated user story in order to manifest it explicitly on the issue board
  • implementation
    OpenCoDE Analyzer
    This issue defines implementation details that may not be directly assigned to a user story, but can be assigned to a milestone.
  • In Progress
    OpenCoDE Analyzer
  • In Review
    OpenCoDE Analyzer
  • Planned
    OpenCoDE Analyzer
  • Postponed
    OpenCoDE Analyzer
  • Sprint A
    OpenCoDE Analyzer
  • Sprint B
    OpenCoDE Analyzer
  • unforeseen
    OpenCoDE Analyzer
    This issue brings together workloads that were not foreseen in the sprint planning and are added during a sprint, but should also be processed within the sprint.
  • User Story
    OpenCoDE Analyzer