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Verified Commit 16abceac authored by Jan-Niclas Strüwer's avatar Jan-Niclas Strüwer
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simplified task setup

parent f2b7b243
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......@@ -2,7 +2,10 @@ package de.fraunhofer.iem.dataprovider.taskManager
import de.fraunhofer.iem.dataprovider.gitlab.GitConfiguration
import de.fraunhofer.iem.dataprovider.logger.getLogger
import de.fraunhofer.iem.dataprovider.taskManager.tasks.*
import de.fraunhofer.iem.dataprovider.taskManager.tasks.CloneGitTask
import de.fraunhofer.iem.dataprovider.taskManager.tasks.GetGitlabProjectIdTask
import de.fraunhofer.iem.dataprovider.taskManager.tasks.GitProject
import de.fraunhofer.iem.dataprovider.taskManager.tasks.OdcTask
import jakarta.annotation.PreDestroy
import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
......@@ -15,7 +18,14 @@ import java.util.*
sealed class Event
class RepoChangedEvent(val gitConfiguration: GitConfiguration, val repoId: Long) : Event()
class SequenceTaskDoneEvent(val sequenceId: UUID) : Event()
sealed class TaskDone : Event() {
abstract val taskId: UUID
class GitCloneDone(override val taskId: UUID, val outputDirectory: String) : TaskDone()
class GetGitlabProjectDone(override val taskId: UUID, val gitProject: GitProject) : TaskDone()
class ProcessTaskDone(override val taskId: UUID, val message: String) : TaskDone()
* The Task Manager takes tasks and distributes them to
......@@ -69,84 +79,36 @@ class TaskManager {
private inner class MyActor {
private val logger = getLogger(javaClass)
private val taskSequences = HashMap<UUID, TaskSequence>()
suspend fun onReceive(event: Event) {"[${Thread.currentThread().name}] add task called in Task Manager $event")
when (event) {
is RepoChangedEvent -> {
val taskSequence = TaskSequence.getRepoChangedSequence(
responseChannel = ::addEvent
taskSequences[taskSequence.sequenceID] = taskSequence {
ioWorker.addTask(GetGitlabProjectIdTask(event.repoId, event.gitConfiguration, ::addEvent))
is SequenceTaskDoneEvent -> handleSequenceTaskDone(event.sequenceId)
}"[${Thread.currentThread().name}] add task finished in Task Manager $event")
is GetGitlabProjectDone -> {
) //TODO: remove hardcoded variable
private suspend fun handleSequenceTaskDone(id: UUID) {
is GitCloneDone -> {
worker.addTask(OdcTask(event.outputDirectory, event.outputDirectory, ::addEvent))
val sequence = taskSequences.getOrDefault(id, TaskSequence.EmptySequence)
if (sequence.hasNext()) { {
when (it) {
is GetGitlabProjectTask -> ioWorker.addTask(it)
else -> worker.addTask(it)
else -> {"Received event without special handling associated $event")
} else {
taskSequences.remove(id)"[${Thread.currentThread().name}] sequence with id $id finished.")
}"[${Thread.currentThread().name}] add task finished in Task Manager $event")
private class TaskSequence(
private val tasks: List<List<ITask>>,
val sequenceID: UUID = UUID.randomUUID()
) : Iterator<List<ITask>> {
companion object Factory {
val EmptySequence = TaskSequence(listOf())
fun getRepoChangedSequence(
repoId: Long,
gitConfiguration: GitConfiguration,
responseChannel: suspend (task: Event) -> Unit
): TaskSequence {
val id = UUID.randomUUID()
val gitlabTask = GetGitlabProjectIdTask(repoId, gitConfiguration, responseChannel, id)
val gitTask = GitTask(TaskType.REPO_CHANGED, gitlabTask::getResult, responseChannel, id)
return TaskSequence(
JavaTask(TaskType.REPO_CHANGED, "-version", responseChannel = responseChannel, sequenceId = id),
JavaTask(TaskType.REPO_CHANGED, "-help", responseChannel = responseChannel, sequenceId = id)
private val it = tasks.iterator()
override fun next(): List<ITask> {
override fun hasNext(): Boolean {
return it.hasNext()
package de.fraunhofer.iem.dataprovider.taskManager.tasks
import de.fraunhofer.iem.dataprovider.taskManager.Event
import de.fraunhofer.iem.dataprovider.taskManager.GitCloneDone
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git
import java.nio.file.Paths
data class GitProject(val name: String, val uri: String)
class CloneGitTask(
private val gitProject: GitProject,
override val responseChannel: suspend (task: Event) -> Unit,
private val outputPath: String,
) : Task() {
override suspend fun execute() {"Cloning ${}")
val outputDirectory = Paths.get(outputPath, "${}-${taskID}")
val git: Git = Git.cloneRepository()
responseChannel(GitCloneDone(taskID, outputDirectory.toString()))"Finished cloning ${}")
\ No newline at end of file
package de.fraunhofer.iem.dataprovider.taskManager.tasks
import de.fraunhofer.iem.dataprovider.taskManager.Event
import de.fraunhofer.iem.dataprovider.taskManager.SequenceTaskDoneEvent
import java.util.*
data class GitProject(val name: String, val uri: String)
class GitTask(
override val type: TaskType,
private val getGitProject: () -> GitProject,
// private val outputPath: String,
private val responseChannel: suspend (task: Event) -> Unit,
override val sequenceId: UUID?
): Task() {
override suspend fun execute() {
val gitProject = getGitProject()"Cloning ${}")
if (sequenceId != null) {
// val git: Git = Git.cloneRepository()
// .setURI(gitProject.uri)
// .setDirectory(
// File("/tmp/opencode/${}-${taskID}")) // TODO: add output path
// .call()
// git.close()
// responseChannel(DoneTask("Successfully cloned ${}"))
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -2,48 +2,39 @@ package de.fraunhofer.iem.dataprovider.taskManager.tasks
import de.fraunhofer.iem.dataprovider.gitlab.GitConfiguration
import de.fraunhofer.iem.dataprovider.taskManager.Event
import de.fraunhofer.iem.dataprovider.taskManager.SequenceTaskDoneEvent
import de.fraunhofer.iem.dataprovider.taskManager.GetGitlabProjectDone
import org.gitlab4j.api.GitLabApi
import java.util.*
sealed class GetGitlabProjectTask(
override val type: TaskType = TaskType.REPO_CHANGED,
protected open val repoId: Any,
private val gitlabConfiguration: GitConfiguration,
private val responseChannel: suspend (task: Event) -> Unit,
override val sequenceId: UUID? = null
): Task() {
sealed class GetGitlabProjectTask : Task() {
protected abstract val repoId: Any
protected abstract val gitlabConfiguration: GitConfiguration
private val gitlabApi: GitLabApi = GitLabApi(, gitlabConfiguration.accessToken)
private lateinit var gitProject: GitProject
override suspend fun execute() {"Gitlab config ${} ${gitlabConfiguration.accessToken}")
val project = gitlabApi.projectApi.getProject(repoId)
val projectUri = project.httpUrlToRepo
gitProject = GitProject(, projectUri)"Retrieved project ${project.path} and url $projectUri")
if (sequenceId != null) {
// responseChannel(GitTask(this.type, gitProject, responseChannel))
val gitProject = GitProject(, projectUri)
fun getResult(): GitProject {
return gitProject
responseChannel(GetGitlabProjectDone(taskID, gitProject))"Retrieved project ${project.path} and url $projectUri")
class GetGitlabProjectPathTask(
override val repoId: String,
private val gitlabConfiguration: GitConfiguration,
private val responseChannel: suspend (task: Event) -> Unit,
override val sequenceId: UUID? = null
): GetGitlabProjectTask(repoId = repoId, gitlabConfiguration = gitlabConfiguration, responseChannel = responseChannel )
override val gitlabConfiguration: GitConfiguration,
override val responseChannel: suspend (task: Event) -> Unit,
) : GetGitlabProjectTask()
class GetGitlabProjectIdTask(
override val repoId: Long,
private val gitlabConfiguration: GitConfiguration,
private val responseChannel: suspend (task: Event) -> Unit,
override val sequenceId: UUID? = null
): GetGitlabProjectTask(repoId = repoId, gitlabConfiguration = gitlabConfiguration, responseChannel = responseChannel )
override val gitlabConfiguration: GitConfiguration,
override val responseChannel: suspend (task: Event) -> Unit
) : GetGitlabProjectTask()
package de.fraunhofer.iem.dataprovider.taskManager.tasks
import de.fraunhofer.iem.dataprovider.taskManager.Event
import de.fraunhofer.iem.dataprovider.taskManager.ProcessTaskDone
class OdcTask(projectPath: String, outputPath: String, override val responseChannel: suspend (task: Event) -> Unit) :
ProcessTask() {
override val flags: Array<String> = arrayOf(outputPath, projectPath)
private val resource: Resource = ClassPathResource("scripts/")
override val execPath: String = resource.toString()
override suspend fun handleProcessReturn(p: Process) {
val returnMessage = "Odc finished with exit code ${p.exitValue()}"
val output = String(p.inputStream.readAllBytes())"Process output $output")
responseChannel(ProcessTaskDone(taskID, returnMessage))
package de.fraunhofer.iem.dataprovider.taskManager.tasks
import de.fraunhofer.iem.dataprovider.taskManager.Event
import de.fraunhofer.iem.dataprovider.taskManager.SequenceTaskDoneEvent
import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import java.util.*
sealed class ProcessTask(protected open vararg val flags: String): Task() {
sealed class ProcessTask : Task() {
protected abstract val flags: Array<String>
protected abstract val execPath: String
private val mainScope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Default)
override suspend fun execute() {
val p = ProcessBuilder(execPath, *flags)
val process = ProcessBuilder(execPath, *flags).start()
p.onExit().thenApply { p1 ->
process.onExit().thenApply { p1 ->
mainScope.launch {
......@@ -25,22 +23,3 @@ sealed class ProcessTask(protected open vararg val flags: String): Task() {
abstract suspend fun handleProcessReturn(p: Process)
* Dummy Task to simulate running external processes.
class JavaTask(
override val type: TaskType,
override vararg val flags: String,
private val responseChannel: suspend (task: Event) -> Unit,
override val sequenceId: UUID?
): ProcessTask() {
override val execPath: String = "java"
override suspend fun handleProcessReturn(p: Process) {
// responseChannel(DoneTask("Done with external process. Exit value ${p.exitValue()}"))
if (sequenceId != null) {
\ No newline at end of file
package de.fraunhofer.iem.dataprovider.taskManager.tasks
import de.fraunhofer.iem.dataprovider.logger.getLogger
import de.fraunhofer.iem.dataprovider.taskManager.Event
import java.util.*
enum class TaskType {
interface ITask {
val type: TaskType
suspend fun execute()
val taskID: UUID
sealed class Task(open val sequenceId: UUID? = null) : ITask {
sealed class Task : ITask {
override val taskID: UUID = UUID.randomUUID()
protected val logger = getLogger(javaClass)
class DoneTask(private val message: String? = null): Task() {
override val type: TaskType = TaskType.DONE
override suspend fun execute() {"[${Thread.currentThread().name}] I'm done $message")
protected abstract val responseChannel: suspend (task: Event) -> Unit
DC_PROJECT="dependency-check scan: ${2}"
if [ ! -d "$DATA_DIRECTORY" ]; then
echo "Initially creating persistent directory: $DATA_DIRECTORY"
mkdir -p "$DATA_DIRECTORY"
if [ ! -d "$CACHE_DIRECTORY" ]; then
echo "Initially creating persistent directory: $CACHE_DIRECTORY"
# Make sure we are using the latest version
docker pull owasp/dependency-check:$DC_VERSION
docker run --rm \
-e user="$USER" \
-u $(id -u ${USER}):$(id -g ${USER}) \
--volume ${2}:/src:z \
--volume "$DATA_DIRECTORY":/usr/share/dependency-check/data:z \
--volume "$DC_DIRECTORY"/odc-reports:/report:z \
owasp/dependency-check:$DC_VERSION \
--scan /src \
--format "ALL" \
--project "$DC_PROJECT" \
--out /report
# Use suppression like this: (where /src == $pwd)
# --suppression "/src/security/dependency-check-suppression.xml"
\ No newline at end of file
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