= GA-Lotse documentation
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Welcome to the GA-Lotse documentation repository.
This repository provides comprehensive guidance on how to use and understand GA-Lotse – a state-of-the-art cornerstone of the digital transformation of the public health sector.
== Overview
This documentation is built using the link:[Arc 42 template].
1. link:introduction-and-goals/introduction-and-goals.adoc[Introduction and goals]
2. link:constraints/constraints.adoc[Constraints]
3. link:context-and-scope/context-and-scope.adoc[Context and scope]
4. link:building-block-view/building-block-view.adoc[Building block view]
5. link:solution-strategy/solution-strategy.adoc[Solution strategy]
6. link:deployment-view/deployment-view.adoc[Deployment view]
7. link:crosscutting-concepts/crosscutting-concepts.adoc[Crosscutting concepts]
8. link:architectural-design-records/architectural-design-records.adoc[Architecture decision records]
9. link:glossary/glossary.adoc[Glossary]
== Reporting Issues
If you find any issues or inconsistencies in our documentation, please raise an issue in this repository.
We appreciate your help in improving the project!
== License
The documentation is licensed under link:LICENCE.adoc[CC BY-SA 4.0]
== Cooperation
Hessisches Ministerium für Familie, Senioren, Sport, Gesundheit und Pflege