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BMI / openDesk / Component Code / Groupware / OX Dovecot / ox_dovecot_core
Unicode Terms of UseGit pull mirror from upstream repo https://github.com/dovecot/core.git. Please use upstream repo for contributions.
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BMI / openDesk / Component Code / Office / Collabora / libreoffice_core
Mozilla Public License 2.0Git pull mirror from upstream repo https://github.com/LibreOffice/core.git. Please use upstream repo for contributions.
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openCode / Badge Programm / Badge API
MIT LicenseBackend für die openCode Softwarekatalog Badges – Überprüft Open-Source-Repositorys auf aktive Wartung, Best Practices, Wiederverwendung und mehr.
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Connected Urban Twins / Open Data Portal Leipzig / ckanext-odp-le-theme
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Updated -
XLeitstelle / XPlanung / XPlan-Tools
European Union Public License 1.2Access and manipulate XPlanung data.
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BMI / openDesk / Component Code / Groupware / OX Dovecot / ox_dovecot_pigeonhole
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 onlyGit pull mirror from upstream repo https://github.com/dovecot/pigeonhole.git. Please use upstream repo for contributions.
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Git pull mirror from upstream repo https://gitlab.open-xchange.com/oss/3rd-party/gotenberg-modified. Please use upstream repo for contributions.
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BMI / openDesk / Component Code / Groupware / OX AppSuite 8 / guard
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Git pull mirror from upstream repo https://gitlab.open-xchange.com/oss/appsuite/guard/guard. Please use upstream repo for contributions.
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BMI / openDesk / Component Code / Groupware / OX AppSuite 8 / documentconverter
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Git pull mirror from upstream repo https://gitlab.open-xchange.com/oss/appsuite/documentconverter/documentconverter. Please use upstream repo for contributions.
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BMI / openDesk / Component Code / File sync and share / Nextcloud / nextcloud_app_circles
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Git pull mirror from upstream repo https://github.com/nextcloud/circles.git. Please use upstream repo for contributions.
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