* fixed minor layout issues
* migrated to Astro v4
## 1.0.8
* fix typos
* add OpenCoDE mirror to pipeline
* use workflows in pipeline
* add sbom to pipeline
* upload only main branch to target server
* fix contact mail address
* bump to latest Astro v2.10.15
* remove unwanted separators
* fix mail template for welcome mail
* replace pics with code blocks
* fix headlines for seven steps to start
* fix links and add more links for better navigation
* remove not needed files in root directory
* add sonarqube job
* fix lftp wrong upload timestamp
* refactor assets
* refactor content
* fix nexus search
* no cache for sftp job
* use delete first as sftp mirror option
* disable analytics
## 1.0.2
* fix logo and navigation
* add missing pages "idea" and "requirements"
* initial release with new design