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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • 0.6.0 Release: 0.6.0
    Changes in BWI project 0.6.0 (2024-11-12)
    Upstream merge ✨:
    Features ✨:
    MESSENGER-6668 add jwt server verification
    MESSENGER-6722 add data privacy and imprint
    MESSENGER-6617 add generated acknowledgments with settings bundle
    MESSENGER-6551 add force reset function for pin creation
    MESSENGER-6530 secure textfield eye button
    MESSENGER-5991 set history visibility setting on room creation
    Improvements 🙌:
    MESSENGER-6647 update rust sdk version, hide success indicator from element
    MESSENGER-6552 login use biometric and layout changes
    MESSENGER-6737 use bum theming and remove the element logo
    MESSENGER-6735 remove invite button in create room view
    MESSENGER-6636 remove share button in room detail view, hide call feature, share file feature and multiple settings
    MESSENGER-6532 add cancel button, cross-signing
    MESSENGER-6627 layout changes, add bum logo and text for the welcome screen
    MESSENGER-6531 layout changes verify screens
    MESSENGER-6042 layout changes server selction screen, add disabled QR Code, dismissable keyboard, button size, remove unsued files
    MESSENGER-5906 disable reset encryption function and layout changes in secure backup screen
    MESSENGER-5904 login screen and change cursor color
    MESSENGER-5905 require pin on login and layout changes
    MESSENGER-6574 use bwi compound design tokens
    MESSENGER-6157 change the about menu to legal
    MESSENGER-5990 empty default homeserver
    MESSENGER-5970 disable function - change displayname
    MESSENGER-6447 change pin unlock grace peroid
    MESSENGER-6442 add login flow placeholders
    MESSENGER-6048 set chat bubble style as default
    MESSENGER-5947 change app name and app logo
    Bugfix 🐛:
    MESSENGER-6776 Disallow first login of user
    MESSENGER-6249 use different appgroup id and userdefaults
    MESSENGER-6554 apply changes from basis update on bwi view after basis update
    MESSENGER-6552 fix button and textfield border being cut off
    MESSENGER-6763 fill background color in pinned messages view
    Build 🧱:
    MESSENGER-6647 add ios beta builds for tags and develop
    MESSENGER-6647 add mirror to opencode job
    Fast and stable Rust SDK Build iOS
    MESSENGER-6119 add our own compound as submodule, embedd our own MatrixRustSDK repo as a git submodule
    MESSENGER-6377 use match
    MESSENGER-6365 change beta app id
    MESSENGER-6200 add sonarqube job and testing stage
    MESSENGER-6030 add bumx beta target and unit test
    Other changes:
    MESSENGER-6226 new license file
    MESSENGER-6268 sonarqube security hotspots