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  • 0.1.0 Release: 0.1.0
    Changes in BWI project 0.1.0 (2024-11-12)
    Upstream merge ✨:
    - 0.7.0
    Features ✨:
    - MESSENGER-6669 add jwt validation for home server
    - MESSENGER-6525 provide imprint and privacy links from wellknown
    - MESSENGER-5983 set room alias when creating a room
    - MESSENGER-5991 set room history visibility at create room
    SDK API changes ⚠️:
    Build 🧱:
    - Add build profiles for iOS
    - MESSENGER-6548 improve build performance
    - MESSENGER-6350 update timeout for the android build job
    - MESSENGER-6082 integration of the matrix-rust-components-kotlin in our rust-sdk