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use Rector\Config\RectorConfig;

use Rector\Core\Configuration\Option;
use Rector\Core\ValueObject\PhpVersion;
use Rector\PostRector\Rector\NameImportingPostRector;
use Ssch\TYPO3Rector\Configuration\Typo3Option;
use Ssch\TYPO3Rector\FileProcessor\TypoScript\Rector\v9\v0\FileIncludeToImportStatementTypoScriptRector;
use Ssch\TYPO3Rector\Rector\General\ConvertImplicitVariablesToExplicitGlobalsRector;
use Ssch\TYPO3Rector\Rector\General\ExtEmConfRector;
use Ssch\TYPO3Rector\Set\Typo3LevelSetList;

return static function (RectorConfig $rectorConfig): void {
    // If you want to override the number of spaces for your typoscript files you can define it here, the default value is 4
    $parameters = $rectorConfig->parameters();
    $parameters->set(Typo3Option::TYPOSCRIPT_INDENT_SIZE, 2);


    // Define your target version which you want to support

    // If you only want to process one/some TYPO3 extension(s), you can specify its path(s) here.
    // If you use the option --config change __DIR__ to getcwd()
    // $rectorConfig->paths([
    //    __DIR__ . '/packages/acme_demo/',
    // ]);

    // When you use rector there are rules that require some more actions like creating UpgradeWizards for outdated TCA types.
    // To fully support you we added some warnings. So watch out for them.

    // If you use importNames(), you should consider excluding some TYPO3 files.
        // @see
        __DIR__ . 'Configuration/ExtensionBuilder/*',
        // We skip those directories on purpose as there might be node_modules or similar
        // that include typescript which would result in false positive processing
        __DIR__ . '/**/Resources/**/node_modules/*',
        __DIR__ . '/**/Resources/**/NodeModules/*',
        __DIR__ . '/**/Resources/**/BowerComponents/*',
        __DIR__ . '/**/Resources/**/bower_components/*',
        __DIR__ . '/**/Resources/**/build/*',
        __DIR__ . '/vendor/*',
        __DIR__ . '/Build/*',
        __DIR__ . '/public/*',
        __DIR__ . '/.github/*',
        __DIR__ . '/.Build/*',
        __DIR__ . '/.composer/*',
        NameImportingPostRector::class => [
            __DIR__ . '/**/Configuration/*.php',
            __DIR__ . '/**/Configuration/**/*.php',

    // If you have trouble that rector cannot run because some TYPO3 constants are not defined add an additional constants file
    // @see
    // @see
    // $parameters->set(Option::BOOTSTRAP_FILES, [
    //    __DIR__ . '/typo3.constants.php'
    // ]);

    // register a single rule
    // $rectorConfig->rule(\Ssch\TYPO3Rector\Rector\v9\v0\InjectAnnotationRector::class);

     * Useful rule from RectorPHP itself to transform i.e. GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TYPO3\CMS\Core\Log\LogManager')
     * to GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Log\LogManager::class) calls.
     * But be warned, sometimes it produces false positives (edge cases), so watch out
    // $rectorConfig->rule(\Rector\Php55\Rector\String_\StringClassNameToClassConstantRector::class);

    // Optional non-php file functionalities:
    // @see

    // Rewrite your extbase persistence class mapping from typoscript into php according to official docs.
    // This processor will create a summarized file with all the typoscript rewrites combined into a single file.
    /* $rectorConfig->ruleWithConfiguration(\Ssch\TYPO3Rector\FileProcessor\TypoScript\Rector\v10\v0\ExtbasePersistenceTypoScriptRector::class, [
        \Ssch\TYPO3Rector\FileProcessor\TypoScript\Rector\v10\v0\ExtbasePersistenceTypoScriptRector::FILENAME => __DIR__ . '/packages/acme_demo/Configuration/Extbase/Persistence/Classes.php',
    ]); */
    // Add some general TYPO3 rules
    $rectorConfig->ruleWithConfiguration(ExtEmConfRector::class, [
        ExtEmConfRector::ADDITIONAL_VALUES_TO_BE_REMOVED => [],

    // Modernize your TypoScript include statements for files and move from <INCLUDE /> to @import use the FileIncludeToImportStatementVisitor (introduced with TYPO3 9.0)


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