Scraper for MUDAB
The Meeresumweltdatenbank MUDAB is a database organised by BfG and UBA providing data of German measurements stations for the German Sea and the incoming rivers.
It supports the Bund/Länder-Arbeitsgemeinschaft Nord- und Ostsee (BLANO) and Übereinkommen Oslo/Paris zur Überwachung der Nordsee" (OSPAR), the Helsinki-Konvention zur Überwachung der Ostsee" (HELCOM). Also it supports the "Umweltberichterstattung Meer" (SOE-Report) for EEA.
The page is purely Java, but it provides an RESTfull API documented here
Set-up of all relevant files and harvester settings -
Adapt Provenance -
Index all measurement stations with relevant information -
Index all PLC HELCOM Station (located on rivers to measure intake into the Baltic Sea). Stations at the same location should be one dataset even if they have multiple station codes, links to the stations could be provided as references. -
Index main page, adding the Code List used as a reference -
Contact responsible person at MUDAB to provide direct links to the station overview pages.
Edited by Falk Heße