Scraper "Cleaner-Production"
The webpage "Cleaner Production Germany" is a data source of the Federal Environment Agency which offers information about the german innovations for environmantal engineering/technology.
The webpage has a topic overview from where each entry should be represented as one dataset with at least:
- title
- contact (institution)
- ressource (Publications)
- description (Zusammenfassung/Abstract). The name of the topic should also be represented within the description. And also the original source (named as "Quelle" on project pages).
Also, films has to be integrated as one dataset with at least:
- title
- Similar description: "Informationsfilm zum Thema "[topic]" kuratiert von Cleaner Production Germany (Umweltbundesamt). [Description text on beginning of film overview page]"
The newsletter has to be integrated as one dataset with at least:
- title
- description
- resources (available newsletters)
- contact (see impressum)
Provenance is /Bund/UBA/CPG
Edited by Adam Reichold