variables: GIT_SUBMODULE_STRATEGY: recursive stages: - version_bump - build - test - build_kubernetes_dev - build_kubernetes - deploy version_bump: stage: version_bump image: python:3 before_script: - pip install bump-my-version - git config --global "" - git config --global "CICD Pipeline" script: # Determine the bump type based on commit messages - | bump_type="patch" if git log $(git describe --tags --abbrev=0)..HEAD --grep="BREAKING CHANGE" --oneline | grep -q "BREAKING CHANGE"; then bump_type="major" elif git log $(git describe --tags --abbrev=0)..HEAD --grep="feat" --oneline | grep -q "feat"; then bump_type="minor" fi - bump-my-version bump --commit --tag $bump_type VERSION - git push --follow-tags https://git:$CI_PUSH_TOKEN@$CI_SERVER_HOST/$CI_PROJECT_PATH.git HEAD:$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME only: - main build: image: name: gradle:jdk21-alpine stage: build script: - sh $CI_PROJECT_DIR/gradlew assemble test: image: name: gradle:jdk21-alpine stage: test script: - sh $CI_PROJECT_DIR/gradlew test - sh $CI_PROJECT_DIR/gradlew ktfmtCheck dependencies: - build .base: image: name: entrypoint: [""] cache: {} before_script: - echo "{\"auths\":{\"$CI_REGISTRY\":{\"username\":\"$CI_REGISTRY_USER\",\"password\":\"$CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD\"}}}" > /kaniko/.docker/config.json build_sha_dev: extends: .base stage: build_kubernetes_dev only: - dev script: - /kaniko/executor --build-arg "profile=dev" --context "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}" --dockerfile "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/Dockerfile" --destination "${CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE}:dev_${CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA}" build_sha_prod: extends: .base stage: build_kubernetes only: - main script: - /kaniko/executor --build-arg "profile=prod" --context "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}" --dockerfile "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/Dockerfile" --destination "${CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE}:${CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA}" --destination "${CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE}:latest" deploy_development: image: bitnami/kubectl:1.30-debian-12 before_script: - export KUBECONFIG=$KUBECONFIG_FILE stage: deploy script: - ./kubernetes/scripts/ "dev" "${CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA}" "${CI_DEPLOY_USER} requested to deploy ${CI_COMMIT_BRANCH} ${CI_COMMIT_SHA}" when: manual deploy_production: image: bitnami/kubectl:1.30-debian-12 before_script: - export KUBECONFIG=$KUBECONFIG_FILE stage: deploy script: - ./kubernetes/scripts/ "prod" "${CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA}" "${CI_DEPLOY_USER} requested to deploy ${CI_COMMIT_BRANCH} ${CI_COMMIT_SHA}" when: manual