diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/de/fraunhofer/iem/dataprovider/taskManager/TaskManager.kt b/src/main/kotlin/de/fraunhofer/iem/dataprovider/taskManager/TaskManager.kt
index 57da925a5ae0883d5d4ca71469fe05fb21617fe2..795e8be7476275c331c1e782d1498a391b7a3b54 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/de/fraunhofer/iem/dataprovider/taskManager/TaskManager.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/de/fraunhofer/iem/dataprovider/taskManager/TaskManager.kt
@@ -20,11 +20,12 @@ class TaskManager : CoroutineScope {
         get() = Dispatchers.Default + job
     // TODO: this could be dangerous to give it unlimited memory
-    private val tasks = Channel<String>(Channel.UNLIMITED)
+    private val tasks = Channel<Task>(Channel.UNLIMITED)
     private val numCores = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()
     // use a fixed size thread pool context with numCores threads
-    private val threadPoolContext = newFixedThreadPoolContext(numCores, "TaskManagerWorker")
+//    private val threadPoolContext = newFixedThreadPoolContext(numCores, "TaskManagerWorker")
+    private val gitWorker = GitWorker()
     private val logger = getLogger(javaClass)
@@ -33,36 +34,88 @@ class TaskManager : CoroutineScope {
         logger.info("Starting $numCores workers.")
         repeat(numCores-1) {
             logger.info("[${Thread.currentThread().name}] launching coroutine")
-            launchWorker(it)
+            val j = launchWorker(it)
-    private fun launchWorker(id: Int) = launch(threadPoolContext) {
+    private fun launchWorker(id: Int) = launch {
         for (task in tasks) {
-            launch {
-                logger.debug("[${Thread.currentThread().name}] Processor #$id received $task")
-                executeTask(task)
-                logger.debug("[${Thread.currentThread().name}] Processor #$id finished $task")
+            when (task.type) {
+                TaskType.REPO_CHANGED -> {
+                    logger.info("[${Thread.currentThread().name}] add task called in $id")
+                    gitWorker.addTask(task)
+                    logger.info("[${Thread.currentThread().name}] add task finished in $id")
+                }
-    private suspend fun executeTask(task: String) {
+    suspend fun addTask(task: String) {
+        tasks.send(Task(TaskType.REPO_CHANGED, task))
+    }
+    @PreDestroy
+    fun stop() {
+        job.cancel()
+    }
+class GitWorker: Worker() {
+    override suspend fun executeTask(task: Task) {
         // simulate a long running task
+        logger.info("[${Thread.currentThread().name}] Starting task ${task.payload} in gitworker")
+        logger.info("[${Thread.currentThread().name}] Finished task ${task.payload} in gitworker")
-    fun addTask(task: String) {
-        launch {
-            tasks.send(task)
+abstract class Worker: IWorker, CoroutineScope {
+    private val job = SupervisorJob()
+    override val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext
+        get() = Dispatchers.Default + job
+    // TODO: this could be dangerous to give it unlimited memory
+    private val tasks = Channel<Task>(Channel.UNLIMITED)
+    private val numCores = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()
+    // use a fixed size thread pool context with numCores threads
+    private val threadPoolContext = newFixedThreadPoolContext(numCores, "Worker")
+    protected val logger = getLogger(javaClass)
+    override suspend fun addTask(task: Task) {
+        tasks.send(task)
+    }
+    init {
+        logger.info("Starting $numCores workers.")
+        repeat(numCores-1) {
+            logger.info("[${Thread.currentThread().name}] launching coroutine")
+            launchWorker(it)
-    @PreDestroy
-    fun stop() {
-        job.cancel()
-        threadPoolContext.close()
+    private fun launchWorker(id: Int) = launch(threadPoolContext) {
+        for (task in tasks) {
+            launch {
+                logger.debug("[${Thread.currentThread().name}] Processor #$id received $task")
+                executeTask(task)
+                logger.debug("[${Thread.currentThread().name}] Processor #$id finished $task")
+            }
+        }
+    override fun close() {
+        threadPoolContext.close()
+    }
+interface IWorker {
+    suspend fun addTask(task: Task)
+    suspend fun executeTask(task: Task)
+    fun close()
\ No newline at end of file