From de6a67b9beea72d0e70d11df59fa377cd4f834f6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Lucas Briese <>
Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2024 09:10:24 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] doc: ktformat on save -> install & setup

 doc/ | 52 +++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 1 file changed, 27 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
index ecc8accc..2a8abc03 100644
--- a/doc/
+++ b/doc/
@@ -10,15 +10,15 @@
 ## setup local folder structure
 1. We have a recommended folder structure for developers, some scripts are expecting it:
-    ```
-    opencode
-    ├── data-provider (this repo)
-    ├── dashboard
-    └── sublcuster1.yaml (optional kubeconfig)
-    ```
+   ```
+   opencode
+   ├── data-provider (this repo)
+   ├── dashboard
+   └── sublcuster1.yaml (optional kubeconfig)
+   ```
 2. [add ssh key for authentification and commit signing](
-    - [local setup](
-    - Hint: if you have an issue that your signing key can't be found, check permissions and encoding (UTF-8).
+   - [local setup](
+   - Hint: if you have an issue that your signing key can't be found, check permissions and encoding (UTF-8).
 3. install Docker 2.20.3+, we are using "docker compose" (v2)
 4. for terminal stuff we suggest using the venv `source venv`
@@ -27,23 +27,25 @@
 1. Download and install jdk-21, configure it on project level and for your gradle plugin
 2. For code style and formatting, we are using [ktfmt](
    - You can use it as an [IntelliJ plugin]( and configure it under Editor > ktfmt > `kotlinlang`.
+     - To execute it automatically on save it need to be enabled for every new project via _Settings → Editor → ktfmt Settings → Enable & Kotlinlang_
    - You can also use it via the commands: `./gradlew ktfmtCheck` `./gradlew ktfmtFormat`
 3. copy `.env.template` to `.env`, fill and follow our tasks in `.env` file
 4. We have a separate category `opencode` for gradle tasks, check it out with `./gradlew tasks` for opencode
 5. The data-provider requires the database and you may want to run the dashboard
-    - recommended before: `./gradlew run-db run-dashboard`
-    - recommended: run it outside of a container from terminal:
-       1. `source venv`
-          - loads every `.env` entry as environment variable
-          - provides some alias
-       2. `gradlew` which defaults to `./gradlew run`
-   - run data-provider inside of docker  with `./gradlew run-container` or `docker compose up --build data-provider`
-       - you can ignore the pull warning
+   - recommended before: `./gradlew run-db run-dashboard`
+   - recommended: run it outside of a container from terminal:
+     1. `source venv`
+        - loads every `.env` entry as environment variable
+        - provides some alias
+     2. `gradlew` which defaults to `./gradlew run`
+   - run data-provider inside of docker with `./gradlew run-container` or `docker compose up --build data-provider`
+     - you can ignore the pull warning
 6. verify it by checking the [dashboard on port 5000](localhost:5000), after a few seconds there should be example projects
 #### setup IntelliJ Ultimate for debugging
 IntelliJ Ultimate provides support for Spring Boot and has the best support for Kotlin.
 1. read and follow setup IDE
 2. in `.run` is a default configurations to run and debug the application
    - start the database via gradle task `run-db`
@@ -52,7 +54,7 @@ IntelliJ Ultimate provides support for Spring Boot and has the best support for
 ### access database
 - local database, for IntelliJ Ultimate you can connect to the `local` database via the right side of Tool window bars `Database`
-  - copy source below and choose `New` →  `Import from Clipboard`
+  - copy source below and choose `New` → `Import from Clipboard`
   - You may need to install the driver at the bottom
@@ -66,17 +68,17 @@ IntelliJ Ultimate provides support for Spring Boot and has the best support for
 ### setup kubernetes
 1. [Get the kubernetes version of our cluster:](
-    - e.g. Kubernetes Version: v1.25.12
-    - the used provider could be relevant later, e.g. RKE1 = Rancher Kubernetes Engine 1
+   - e.g. Kubernetes Version: v1.25.12
+   - the used provider could be relevant later, e.g. RKE1 = Rancher Kubernetes Engine 1
 2. K8s support only one minor version step, so for 1.25 you can at max use kubectl 1.26 (e.g. v1.26.15)
-    - install via:
-    - depending on your installation route you may need: [github release](
+   - install via:
+   - depending on your installation route you may need: [github release](
 3. download the KubeConfig file `subcluster1.yaml` from [Rancher dashboard](
-    - use your config via `export KUBECONFIG=/$HOME/Downloads/subcluster1.yaml`
-    - or providing it via: `--kubeconfig`
-    - or move/rename this file to `~/.kube/config`
+   - use your config via `export KUBECONFIG=/$HOME/Downloads/subcluster1.yaml`
+   - or providing it via: `--kubeconfig`
+   - or move/rename this file to `~/.kube/config`
 4. validate if your config got picked up, is this command successful?: `kubectl --namespace fraunhofer get pods`
-    - if you using the OpenCoDE venv just use `dev get pods` or `prod get pods`
+   - if you using the OpenCoDE venv just use `dev get pods` or `prod get pods`
 5. (optional) [install bash completion for kubectl](
    - global installation `kubectl completion bash | sudo tee /etc/bash_completion.d/kubectl-1.26`