<!-- Copyright 2025 Zentrum für Digitale Souveränität der Öffentlichen Verwaltung (ZenDiS) GmbH. SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT --> # Security Policy ## Reporting a Vulnerability When reporting a vulnerability, you can use GitLabs confidential Issues. Just navigate to the [create a confidential issue](https://gitlab.opencode.de/open-code/badgebackend/badge-api-documentation/-/issues/new?confidential=true) page. This way, maintainers will privately notified first. Afterwards, in a best-case scenario, if the vulnerability is fixed, the report will be made public. Alternatively, you can report a vulnerability or anomaly to the product development team. This initiates the procedure of a Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure. The team will then endeavour to develop security patches within a week if possible. The vulnerability is then made public in the course of their publication. If you wish, you can also be published as a reporter. ```text Contact: mailto:security@zendis.de Contact: mailto:product-security@zendis.de Expires: 2025-06-01T21:59:00.000Z Preferred-Languages: de,en Canonical: https://zendis.de/security.txt Hiring: https://zendis.de/karriere ```