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title: Introduction

# Badge API

The Badge API is a service scanning repositories for specific criteria and generating badges based on the results. 
The badges are displayed in the [openCode software catalog](https://opencode.de/en/software) and indicate 
the status of the repository in terms of **security**, **maintenance**, and **reuse**.

You can interact with the Badge API by submitting a repository URL and receiving a badge based on the criteria that the repository meets. The API will 
provide you a detailed explanation of the result too. 

## Official Badges on openCode

Learn about the different types of badges that are available on openCode and what they mean in the [concepts section](/concepts).

## Getting started 

### Use the API

To use the Badge RESTful API, you can submit a repository URL to the API and receive badges based on the criteria that the repository meets. 
See all available endpoints and how to use them in the [API documentation](/api-docs).

### Host the Badge API yourself

You can host the Badge API yourself. We provide a Helm chart to deploy the Badge API on a Kubernetes cluster ⎈. 
Alternatively, you can run the API locally as container or bare metal. Learn more about how to deploy the Badge API in the [deployment guide](/deployment).

### Contribute to the Badge API