<!-- Copyright 2025 Zentrum für Digitale Souveränität der Öffentlichen Verwaltung (ZenDiS) GmbH. SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT --> We would like to express our thankfulness to everyone who contributed to the development of this project. Whether through valuable feedback, contributions via the issue tracker, or submitting merge requests, your input has been crucial to its success. Alphabetically by family (last) name, contributors include: Tim Bastin (L3montree) Alexandros Bouras (ZenDiS) Tobias Gurtzick (WizardTales) Josefine Hübler (ZenDiS) Sebastian Kawelke (L3montree) David Luhmer (L3montree) Frederic Noppe (L3montree) Julian Schauder (ZenDiS) Rafaei Shikoh (L3montree) We sincerely apologize if we’ve accidentally omitted anyone from this list. Please don’t hesitate to let us know if we missed you, and we’ll ensure you’re properly credited.