# Contributing to the Badge API Thank you for your interest in contributing to the Badge Programm Documentation! We welcome contributions from everyone, whether you're a first-time contributor or a long-time friend. This document will help you get started with the project. ## Contributor License Agreement (CLA) Before we can accept your contributions, we need a signed version of a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) from you. Please download the template from here: [CLA_en.pdf](https://gitlab.opencode.de/open-code/badgebackend/gitlab-profile/-/blob/main/CLA/CLA_en.pdf). Fill out the CLA and email the signed copy back to us. Please send the signed CLA to the following email address: ***hello@zendis.de***. As soon as we have received the Contributor License Agreement from you, we will be able to accept your contributions. ## Code of Conduct We have a [Code of Conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) that we expect all contributors to follow. Please read it before contributing. ## How to Contribute You can contribute to the Badge API in many ways. Here are some examples: - Reporting a bug - Fixing a bug - Adding a new feature - Improving the documentation - Writing tests - Reviewing code - Helping others in the community ## Contributing code ### Outline 1. Create [an openCode account](https://opencode.de/en/register) 2. Fork the repository 3. Clone the repository 4. Create a new branch 5. Make your changes 6. Push your changes to your fork 7. Create a merge request 8. Address any feedback ### Local Setup To contribute code to the Badge API, you'll need to set up your development environment. Here's how you can do that: 1. Make sure you have [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/) installed on your machine. 2. Clone the repository to your local machine. 3. Run `npm install` to install the project dependencies. 4. Run `npm run dev` to start the development server.