import { Callout } from 'nextra/components'

# Configuration

<Callout type="info">
  You can find the configuration file of the official instance [here →](

The `.badge-api.yaml` configuration file defines a list of badges, their levels and their criteria. The file is structured as follows.

Find an overview of the implemented checks [here →](/concepts/implemented-checks).<br />
Details about manual checks can be found [here →](/concepts/configuration/manual-checks).

```yaml filename=".badge-api.yaml" copy
  - id: your-badge-name 
    description: "Description of this badge"
    # ORDERED list of levels of your badge (e.g. bronze, silver, gold)
    - name: level-1-name
      # Optional - if true, the checks of this level are not necessary for the next higher level, default is false
      notNecessaryForNextHigherLevels: true
      description: "Description of the level"
      # List of checks for this level, these can be one of the implemented types (see /implemented-checks) or of type MANUAL
      - type: PACKAGES
        description: "Describe the check in context of your badge and level"
        # sense of these options depends on the check
          timeRangeInMonths: 6
          min: 1
          max: 3
      - type: MANUAL 
        description: "Description of the manual check"
        # For more details see /concepts/configuration/manual-checks
        # URL to the JSON file that contains a list of granted projects or a regex pattern for granted projects 
        decisionJsonUrl: ""