import { ChevronRightIcon } from '@heroicons/react/20/solid' import { BookOpenIcon, QueueListIcon, CodeBracketSquareIcon, } from '@heroicons/react/24/solid' import Footer from '../components/Footer' const links = [ { name: 'Documentation', href: '/introduction', external: false, description: 'Learn more about the Badge Programm', icon: BookOpenIcon, }, { name: 'Live Demo', href: '/#api-small-demo', external: false, description: 'Try the Badge API with a live demo', icon: QueueListIcon, }, { name: 'Project on openCode', href: '', external: true, description: 'Have a look at the project on openCode', icon: CodeBracketSquareIcon, }, ] export default function Custom404() { return ( <div className="h-screen bg-white"> <main className="mx-auto w-full max-w-7xl px-6 pb-16 pt-24 sm:pb-24 lg:px-8"> <img alt="Badge Programm Logo" src="/assets/badge-programm-logo.svg" className="mx-auto h-10 w-auto sm:h-32" /> <div className="mx-auto mt-10 max-w-2xl text-center sm:mt-24"> <p className="text-2xl font-semibold text-blue-600">404</p> <h1 className="mt-4 text-balance text-5xl font-semibold tracking-tight text-gray-900 sm:text-6xl"> Uuupss... <br /> Page not found </h1> <p className="mt-6 text-pretty text-lg font-medium text-gray-500 sm:text-xl/8"> Sorry, we couldn’t find the page you’re looking for. </p> </div> <div className="mx-auto mt-16 flow-root max-w-lg sm:mt-20"> <h2 className="sr-only">Popular pages</h2> <ul role="list" className="-mt-6 divide-y divide-gray-900/5 border-b border-gray-900/5" > {, linkIdx) => ( <li key={linkIdx} className="relative flex gap-x-6 py-6" > <div className="flex size-10 flex-none items-center justify-center rounded-lg shadow-sm ring-1 ring-gray-900/10"> <link.icon aria-hidden="true" className="size-6 text-blue-600" /> </div> <div className="flex-auto"> <h3 className="text-sm/6 font-semibold text-gray-900"> <a href={link.href} rel="noopener noreferrer" target={ link.external ? '_blank' : '_self' } > <span aria-hidden="true" className="absolute inset-0" /> {} </a> </h3> <p className="mt-2 text-sm/6 text-gray-600"> {link.description} </p> </div> <div className="flex-none self-center"> <ChevronRightIcon aria-hidden="true" className="size-5 text-gray-400" /> </div> </li> ))} </ul> <div className="mt-10 flex justify-center"> <a href="/" className="font-semibold text-blue-600"> <span aria-hidden="true">←</span> Back to home </a> </div> </div> </main> <div className="bg-gray-50"> <Footer /> </div> </div> ) }