From f5a91e27cff0f748f8835f17de7a3cb2da7d1a40 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: emrah <>
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2023 14:20:34 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] feat(sovereign-workplace-jitsi): Add custom prosody plugins
 into files

 .../mod_auth_hybrid_matrix_token.lua          | 362 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../mod_matrix_affiliation.lua                |  76 ++++
 2 files changed, 438 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 charts/sovereign-workplace-jitsi/files/prosody/prosody-plugins-custom/mod_auth_hybrid_matrix_token.lua
 create mode 100644 charts/sovereign-workplace-jitsi/files/prosody/prosody-plugins-custom/mod_matrix_affiliation.lua

diff --git a/charts/sovereign-workplace-jitsi/files/prosody/prosody-plugins-custom/mod_auth_hybrid_matrix_token.lua b/charts/sovereign-workplace-jitsi/files/prosody/prosody-plugins-custom/mod_auth_hybrid_matrix_token.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49e7002
--- /dev/null
+++ b/charts/sovereign-workplace-jitsi/files/prosody/prosody-plugins-custom/mod_auth_hybrid_matrix_token.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Hybrid Matrix-Token authentication
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- This module is an authentication provider for Prosody which supports Matrix
+-- and standard Jitsi token at the same time. It senses the type of the token
+-- and handles it depending on its type.
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+local async = require "util.async"
+local basexx = require 'basexx'
+local cjson_safe  = require ''
+local formdecode = require "util.http".formdecode
+local generate_uuid = require "util.uuid".generate
+local http = require "net.http"
+local json = require "util.json"
+local new_sasl = require "util.sasl".new
+local sasl = require "util.sasl"
+local sessions = prosody.full_sessions
+local token_util = module:require "token/util".new(module)
+-- no token configuration
+if token_util == nil then
+    return
+local uvsIssuer = {"*"}
+local issuer = module:get_option("uvs_issuer", nil)
+if issuer then
+    uvsIssuer = { string.format("%s", issuer) }
+local uvsUrl = module:get_option("uvs_base_url", nil)
+if uvsUrl == nil then
+    module:log("warn", "Missing 'uvs_base_url' config")
+local uvsAuthToken = module:get_option("uvs_auth_token", nil)
+if uvsAuthToken == nil then
+    module:log(
+        "info",
+        "No uvs_auth_token supplied, not sending authentication headers"
+    )
+-- define auth provider
+local provider = {}
+local host =
+-- Extract 'token' and 'room' params from URL when session is created
+function init_session(event)
+    local session, request = event.session, event.request
+    local query = request.url.query
+    if query ~= nil then
+        local params = formdecode(query)
+        session.auth_token = params and params.token or nil
+        session.jitsi_room = params and or nil
+    end
+module:hook_global("bosh-session", init_session)
+module:hook_global("websocket-session", init_session)
+function provider.test_password(_username, _password)
+    return nil, "Password based auth not supported"
+function provider.get_password(_username)
+    return nil
+function provider.set_password(_username, _password)
+    return nil, "Set password not supported"
+function provider.user_exists(_username)
+    return nil
+function provider.create_user(_username, _password)
+    return nil
+function provider.delete_user(_username)
+    return nil
+local function split_token(token)
+    local segments = {}
+    for seg in string.gmatch(token, "([^.]+)") do
+        table.insert(segments, seg)
+    end
+    return segments
+local function parse_token(token)
+    if type(token) ~= "string" then return nil, nil, nil end
+    local segments = split_token(token)
+    if #segments ~= 3 then return nil, nil, nil end
+    local header, err1 = cjson_safe.decode(basexx.from_url64(segments[1]))
+    if err1 then return nil, nil, nil end
+    local payload, err2 = cjson_safe.decode(basexx.from_url64(segments[2]))
+    if err2 then return nil, nil, nil end
+    local sign, err3 = basexx.from_url64(segments[3])
+    if err3 then return nil, nil, nil end
+    return header, payload, sign
+local function get_options(matrixPayload)
+    local options = {}
+    options.method = "POST"
+    options.headers = {
+        ["Content-Type"] = "application/json",
+        ["User-Agent"] = string.format("Prosody (%s)", prosody.version)
+    }
+    if uvsAuthToken ~= nil then
+        options.headers["Authorization"] = string.format(
+            "Bearer %s", uvsAuthToken
+        )
+    end
+    local body = {
+        ["token"] = matrixPayload["token"],
+        ["room_id"] = matrixPayload["room_id"]
+    }
+    if matrixPayload.server_name then
+        body["matrix_server_name"] = matrixPayload.server_name
+    end
+    options.body = json.encode(body)
+    return options
+local function is_user_in_room(session, matrixPayload)
+    local url = string.format("%s/verify/user_in_room", uvsUrl)
+    local options = get_options(matrixPayload)
+    local wait, done = async.waiter()
+    local httpRes
+    local function cb(resBody, resCode, _req, _res)
+        if resCode == 200 then
+            httpRes = json.decode(resBody)
+        end
+        done()
+    end
+    http.request(url, options, cb)
+    wait()
+    -- no result
+    if not (httpRes and httpRes.results) then
+        return false
+    end
+    -- not a member of Matrix room
+    if not (httpRes.results.user and httpRes.results.room_membership) then
+        return false
+    end
+    -- set affiliation as session value according to their power level
+    session.matrix_affiliation = "member"
+    session.auth_matrix_user_verification_is_owner = false
+    if
+        httpRes.power_levels and httpRes.power_levels.user and
+ and and
+        httpRes.power_levels.user >=
+    then
+        session.matrix_affiliation = "owner"
+        session.auth_matrix_user_verification_is_owner = true
+    end
+    return true
+local function matrix_handler(session, payload)
+    if uvsUrl == nil then
+        module:log("warn", "Missing 'uvs_base_url' config")
+        session.auth_token = nil
+        return false, "access-denied", "missing Matrix UVS address"
+    end
+    session.public_key = "notused"
+    local res, error, reason = token_util:process_and_verify_token(
+        session,
+        uvsIssuer
+    )
+    if res == false then
+        module:log(
+            "warn",
+            "Error verifying token err:%s, reason:%s", error, reason
+        )
+        session.auth_token = nil
+        return res, error, reason
+    end
+    if payload.context.matrix.room_id == nil then
+        module:log("warn", "Missing Matrix room_id in token")
+        session.auth_token = nil
+        return false, "bad-request", "Matrix room ID must be given"
+    end
+    local decodedRoomId = basexx.from_base32(session.jitsi_room)
+    if decodedRoomId ~= payload.context.matrix.room_id then
+        module:log("warn", "Jitsi and Matrix rooms don't match")
+        session.auth_token = nil
+        return false, "access-denied", "Jitsi room does not match Matrix room"
+    end
+    if not is_user_in_room(session, payload.context.matrix) then
+        module:log("warn", "Matrix token is invalid or user does not in room")
+        session.auth_token = nil
+        return false, "access-denied", "Matrix token invalid or not in room"
+    end
+    session.jitsi_meet_context_matrix = payload.context.matrix
+    return true, nil, nil
+local function token_handler(session)
+    -- retrieve custom public key from server and save it on the session
+    local preEvent =
+        "pre-jitsi-authentication-fetch-key",
+        session
+    )
+    if preEvent ~= nil and preEvent.res == false then
+        module:log(
+            "warn",
+            "Error verifying token on pre authentication stage:%s, reason:%s",
+                preEvent.error,
+                preEvent.reason
+        )
+        session.auth_token = nil
+        return preEvent.res, preEvent.error, preEvent.reason
+    end
+    local res, error, reason = token_util:process_and_verify_token(session)
+    if res == false then
+        module:log(
+            "warn",
+            "Error verifying token err:%s, reason:%s", error, reason
+        )
+        session.auth_token = nil
+        return res, error, reason
+    end
+    return true, nil, nil
+local function common_handler(self, session, message)
+    local shouldAllow =
+        "jitsi-access-ban-check",
+        session
+    )
+    if shouldAllow == false then
+        module:log("warn", "user is banned")
+        return false, "not-allowed", "user is banned"
+    end
+    local customUsername =
+        "pre-jitsi-authentication",
+        session
+    )
+    if (customUsername) then
+        self.username = customUsername
+    elseif (session.previd ~= nil) then
+        for _, s in pairs(sessions) do
+            if (s.resumption_token == session.previd) then
+                self.username = s.username
+                break
+            end
+        end
+    else
+        self.username = message
+    end
+    local postEvent =
+        "post-jitsi-authentication",
+        session
+    )
+    if postEvent ~= nil and postEvent.res == false then
+        module:log(
+            "warn",
+            "Error verifying token on post authentication :%s, reason:%s",
+            postEvent.error,
+            postEvent.reason
+        )
+        session.auth_token = nil
+        return postEvent.res, postEvent.error, postEvent.reason
+    end
+    return true, nil, nil
+function provider.get_sasl_handler(session)
+    local function handler(self, message)
+        local payload
+        if session.auth_token then
+            _, payload, _ = parse_token(session.auth_token)
+        end
+        if payload and payload.context and payload.context.matrix then
+            module:log("info", "Matrix authentication handler is selected")
+            local res, error, reason = matrix_handler(session, payload)
+            if res == false then
+                return res, error, reason
+            end
+        else
+            module:log("info", "Token authentication handler is selected")
+            local res, error, reason = token_handler(session)
+            if res == false then
+                return res, error, reason
+            end
+        end
+        local res, error, reason = common_handler(self, session, message)
+        if res == false then
+            return res, error, reason
+        end
+        return true
+    end
+    return new_sasl(host, { anonymous = handler })
+module:provides("auth", provider)
+local function anonymous(self, message)
+    module:log("debug", "Message in anonymous: %s", message)
+    local username = generate_uuid()
+    -- This calls the handler created in 'provider.get_sasl_handler(session)'
+    local result, err, msg = self.profile.anonymous(self, username, self.realm)
+    if result == true then
+        if (self.username == nil) then
+            self.username = username
+        end
+        return "success"
+    else
+        return "failure", err, msg
+    end
+sasl.registerMechanism("ANONYMOUS", {"anonymous"}, anonymous)
diff --git a/charts/sovereign-workplace-jitsi/files/prosody/prosody-plugins-custom/mod_matrix_affiliation.lua b/charts/sovereign-workplace-jitsi/files/prosody/prosody-plugins-custom/mod_matrix_affiliation.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d6746e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/charts/sovereign-workplace-jitsi/files/prosody/prosody-plugins-custom/mod_matrix_affiliation.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Matrix Affiliation (downgrade only)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- This module updates the affiliation of participants if the room is created
+-- by Element's Jitsi widget. This module checks Jitsi room name to understand
+-- if this room is created by widget or not...
+-- base32.decode(jitsi_room_name) should match "!.*:.*[.].*" (regex) for related
+-- rooms.
+-- This module assumes that the authentication is already enabled on Jicofo. So
+-- every participants who have a valid token will become moderator (owner) by
+-- default (this is not what we want).
+-- This module downgrades the affiliation level (from owner to member) of
+-- the participant if she is not an admin in the related Matrix room.
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+local basexx = require 'basexx'
+local is_admin = require "core.usermanager".is_admin
+local is_healthcheck_room = module:require "util".is_healthcheck_room
+local jid_split = require "util.jid".split
+local timer = require "util.timer"
+local LOGLEVEL = "debug"
+local function _is_admin(jid)
+    return is_admin(jid,
+module:hook("muc-occupant-joined", function (event)
+    local room, occupant =, event.occupant
+    if is_healthcheck_room(room.jid) or _is_admin(occupant.jid) then
+        module:log(LOGLEVEL, "skip affiliation, %s", occupant.jid)
+        return
+    end
+    if not event.origin.auth_token then
+        module:log(LOGLEVEL, "skip affiliation, no token")
+        return
+    end
+    local roomName, _ = jid_split(room.jid)
+    local roomId = basexx.from_base32(roomName)
+    if not roomId then
+        module:log(LOGLEVEL, "skip affiliation, cannot decode the room name")
+        return
+    end
+    local isMatrixRoom = string.match(roomId, "!.*:.*[.].*")
+    if not isMatrixRoom then
+        module:log(LOGLEVEL, "skip affiliation, not a Matrix room")
+        return
+    end
+    if event.origin.matrix_affiliation == "owner" then
+        module:log(LOGLEVEL, "skip downgrading, valid Matrix owner")
+        return
+    end
+    -- All users who have a valid token are set as owner by jicofo when
+    -- auhentication is enabled on jicofo. Downgrade the affiliation for all
+    -- users who are not a Matrix owner (even they have a valid token).
+    -- A timer is used because Jicofo will update the affiliation after this
+    -- internal authentication phase is completed. It should be overwritten.
+    local i = 0.0
+    while (i < 2.0) do
+        timer.add_task(i, function()
+            room:set_affiliation(true, occupant.bare_jid, "member")
+        end)
+        i = i + 0.2
+    end
+    module:log( "info",
+	"affiliation is downgraded, occupant: %s",
+	occupant.bare_jid
+    )