AC_INIT([Dovecot Sieve], [0.1.2], [], [dovecot-1.2-sieve]) AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([src]) # Autoheader is not needed and does more harm than good for this package. However, it is # tightly integrated in autoconf/automake and therefore it is difficult not to use it. As # a workaround we give autoheader a dummy config header to chew on and we handle the # real config header ourselves. AC_CONFIG_HEADERS([dummy-config.h dsieve-config.h]) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(SIEVE_NAME, "$PACKAGE_NAME", [Define to the full name of this Sieve implementation.]) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(SIEVE_VERSION, "$PACKAGE_VERSION", [Define to the version of this Sieve implementation.]) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(no-define) AM_MAINTAINER_MODE AC_PROG_CC AC_PROG_CPP AC_PROG_LIBTOOL AC_ARG_WITH(dovecot, [AC_HELP_STRING([--with-dovecot=DIR], [Dovecot base directory [../dovecot]])], dovecotdir="$withval", dovecotdir=../dovecot ) old=`pwd` cd $dovecotdir dovecotdir=`pwd` cd $old AC_SUBST(dovecotdir) if ! test -f "$dovecotdir/dovecot-config"; then echo echo "dovecot-config not found from $dovecotdir, use --with-dovecot=PATH" echo "to give path to compiled Dovecot sources or to a directory with the" echo "installed dovecot-config file." AC_MSG_ERROR([dovecot-config not found]) fi if test -d "$dovecotdir/src"; then # compiling against sources have_dovecot_libs=yes else # compiling against installed headers echo "WARNING: Cannot build Sieve commandline tools without the compiled" echo " Dovecot sources. Compiling against headers will only build" echo " the Sieve plugin." have_dovecot_libs=no fi AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_DOVECOT_LIBS, test "$have_dovecot_libs" = "yes") # Extensions under development # AC_ARG_WITH(enotify, [AC_HELP_STRING([--with-enotify], [Build enotify extension (under development) [default=no]])], if test x$withval = xno || test x$withval = xauto; then want_enotify=$withval else want_enotify=yes fi, want_enotify=no) AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_ENOTIFY, test "$want_enotify" = "yes") if test "$want_enotify" = "yes"; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_SIEVE_ENOTIFY,,[Define to make Sieve enotify extension available to users.]) fi # # AC_ARG_ENABLE(valgrind, [AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-valgrind], [Enable Valgrind memory leak checks in testsuite [default=no]])], if test x$enableval = xno || test x$enableval = xauto; then want_valgrind=$enableval else want_valgrind=yes fi, want_valgrind=no) AM_CONDITIONAL(TESTSUITE_VALGRIND, test "$want_valgrind" = "yes") dnl replace relative ../ paths in the file with full paths eval `cat $dovecotdir/dovecot-config|sed 's,\$(top_builddir)/,$dovecotdir/,g'` if test $have_dovecot_libs = yes; then dovecot_incdir="$dovecotdir" fi AC_SUBST(STORAGE_LIBS) AC_SUBST(LIBICONV) AC_SUBST(RAND_LIBS) AC_SUBST(MODULE_LIBS) AC_SUBST(dovecot_incdir) AC_SUBST(moduledir) AC_CONFIG_FILES([ Makefile src/Makefile src/lib-sieve/Makefile src/lib-sieve/plugins/Makefile src/lib-sieve/plugins/vacation/Makefile src/lib-sieve/plugins/subaddress/Makefile src/lib-sieve/plugins/comparator-i-ascii-numeric/Makefile src/lib-sieve/plugins/relational/Makefile src/lib-sieve/plugins/regex/Makefile src/lib-sieve/plugins/imapflags/Makefile src/lib-sieve/plugins/copy/Makefile src/lib-sieve/plugins/include/Makefile src/lib-sieve/plugins/body/Makefile src/lib-sieve/plugins/variables/Makefile src/lib-sieve/plugins/enotify/Makefile src/lib-sieve-tool/Makefile src/plugins/Makefile src/plugins/lda-sieve/Makefile src/sieve-tools/Makefile src/testsuite/Makefile stamp.h]) AC_OUTPUT echo "NOTE: This is the UNSTABLE development branch."