diff --git a/tests/execute/errors.svtest b/tests/execute/errors.svtest
index a6f4cfe3abd36261d90859140ec4c7a583268a1c..383df8b4c22c6d52be426dad983f421b9cbde7fe 100644
--- a/tests/execute/errors.svtest
+++ b/tests/execute/errors.svtest
@@ -92,15 +92,19 @@ test "Fileinto missing folder" {
 		test_fail "execution failed";
-    if test_result_execute {
-        test_fail "execution of result should have failed";
-    }	
+	if test_result_execute {
+		test_fail "execution of result should have failed";
+	}
 	if test_error :count "gt" :comparator "i;ascii-numeric" "1" {
 		test_fail "too many runtime errors reported";
-/*	if not test_error :index 1 :contains "number of redirect actions exceeds policy limit"{
+	if not allof (
+		test_error :index 1 :contains "failed to store into mailbox",
+		test_error :index 1 :contains "exist",
+		test_error :index 1 :contains "FROP") {
 		test_fail "unexpected error reported";
-	}*/
+	}