diff --git a/src/lib-sieve/plugins/enotify/ntfy-mailto.c b/src/lib-sieve/plugins/enotify/ntfy-mailto.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b42fd2d49f4c1e3f11ad08a5a567bff417af6ccc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib-sieve/plugins/enotify/ntfy-mailto.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1106 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2002-2010 Pigeonhole authors, see the included COPYING file 
- */
-/* Notify method mailto
- * --------------------
- *
- * Authors: Stephan Bosch
- * Specification: RFC 5436
- * Implementation: full
- * Status: testing
- * 
- */
-/* FIXME: URI syntax conforms to something somewhere in between RFC 2368 and
- *   draft-duerst-mailto-bis-05.txt. Should fully migrate to new specification
- *   when it matures. This requires modifications to the address parser (no
- *   whitespace allowed within the address itself) and UTF-8 support will be
- *   required in the URL.
- */
-#include "lib.h"
-#include "array.h"
-#include "str.h"
-#include "ioloop.h"
-#include "str-sanitize.h"
-#include "message-date.h"
-#include "mail-storage.h"
-#include "rfc2822.h"
-#include "sieve-ext-enotify.h"
-#include "sieve-address.h"
-#include "sieve-message.h"
-#include "sieve-smtp.h"
- * Configuration
- */
-#define NTFY_MAILTO_MAX_SUBJECT     256
- * Types 
- */
-struct ntfy_mailto_header_field {
-	const char *name;
-	const char *body;
-struct ntfy_mailto_recipient {
-	const char *full;
-	const char *normalized;
-	bool carbon_copy;
-ARRAY_DEFINE_TYPE(recipients, struct ntfy_mailto_recipient);
-ARRAY_DEFINE_TYPE(headers, struct ntfy_mailto_header_field);
- * Mailto notification method
- */
-static bool ntfy_mailto_compile_check_uri
-	(const struct sieve_enotify_log *nlog, const char *uri, const char *uri_body);
-static bool ntfy_mailto_compile_check_from
-	(const struct sieve_enotify_log *nlog, string_t *from);
-static const char *ntfy_mailto_runtime_get_notify_capability
-	(const struct sieve_enotify_log *nlog, const char *uri, const char *uri_body, 
-		const char *capability);
-static bool ntfy_mailto_runtime_check_uri
-	(const struct sieve_enotify_log *nlog, const char *uri, const char *uri_body);
-static bool ntfy_mailto_runtime_check_operands
-	(const struct sieve_enotify_log *nlog, const char *uri,const char *uri_body, 
-		string_t *message, string_t *from, pool_t context_pool, 
-		void **method_context);
-static int ntfy_mailto_action_check_duplicates
-	(const struct sieve_enotify_log *nlog, void *method_ctx1, void *method_ctx2,
-		const char *dupl_location);
-static void ntfy_mailto_action_print
-	(const struct sieve_enotify_print_env *penv, 
-		const struct sieve_enotify_action *act);	
-static bool ntfy_mailto_action_execute
-	(const struct sieve_enotify_exec_env *nenv, 
-		const struct sieve_enotify_action *act);
-const struct sieve_enotify_method mailto_notify = {
-	"mailto",
-	ntfy_mailto_compile_check_uri,
-	ntfy_mailto_compile_check_from,
-	ntfy_mailto_runtime_check_uri,
-	ntfy_mailto_runtime_get_notify_capability,
-	ntfy_mailto_runtime_check_operands,
-	ntfy_mailto_action_check_duplicates,
-	ntfy_mailto_action_print,
-	ntfy_mailto_action_execute
- * Method context data
- */
-struct ntfy_mailto_context {
-	ARRAY_TYPE(recipients) recipients;
-	ARRAY_TYPE(headers) headers;
-	const char *subject;
-	const char *body;
-	const char *from_normalized;
- * Reserved headers
- */
-static const char *_reserved_headers[] = {
-	"auto-submitted",
-	"received",
-	"message-id",
-	"data",
-	"bcc",
-	"in-reply-to",
-	"references",
-	"resent-date",
-	"resent-from",
-	"resent-sender",
-	"resent-to",
-	"resent-cc",
- 	"resent-bcc",
-	"resent-msg-id",
-	"from",
-	"sender",
-static const char *_unique_headers[] = {
-	"reply-to",
-static inline bool _ntfy_mailto_header_allowed(const char *field_name)
-	const char **rhdr = _reserved_headers;
-	/* Check whether it is reserved */
-	while ( *rhdr != NULL ) {
-		if ( strcasecmp(field_name, *rhdr) == 0 )
-			return FALSE;
-		rhdr++;
-	}
-	return TRUE;
-static inline bool _ntfy_mailto_header_unique(const char *field_name)
-	const char **rhdr = _unique_headers;
-	/* Check whether it is supposed to be unique */
-	while ( *rhdr != NULL ) {
-		if ( strcasecmp(field_name, *rhdr) == 0 )
-			return TRUE;
-		rhdr++;
-	}
-	return FALSE;
- * Mailto URI parsing
- */
-/* Util functions */
-#define _uri_parse_error(LOG, ...) \
-	sieve_enotify_error(LOG, "invalid mailto URI: " __VA_ARGS__ )
-#define _uri_parse_warning(LOG, ...) \
-	sieve_enotify_warning(LOG, "mailto URI: " __VA_ARGS__ )
-/* FIXME: much of this implementation will be common to other URI schemes. This
- *        should be merged into a common implementation.
- */
-static const char _qchar_lookup[256] = {
-	0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  // 00
-	0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  // 10
-	0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0,  // 20
-	1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,  // 30
-	1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,  // 40
-	1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,  // 50
-	0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,  // 60
-	1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0,  // 70
-	0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  // 80
-	0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  // 90
-	0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  // A0
-	0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  // B0
-	0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  // C0
-	0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  // D0
-	0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  // E0
-	0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  // F0
-static inline bool _is_qchar(unsigned char c)
-	return _qchar_lookup[c];
-static inline int _decode_hex_digit(char digit)
-	switch ( digit ) {
-	case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': 
-	case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': 
-		return (int) digit - '0';
-	case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f':
-		return (int) digit - 'a' + 0x0a;
-	case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case 'E': case 'F':
-		return (int) digit - 'A' + 0x0A;
-	}
-	return -1;
-static bool _parse_hex_value(const char **in, char *out)
-	char value;
-	if ( **in == '\0' || (value=_decode_hex_digit(**in)) < 0 )
-		return FALSE;
-	*out = value << 4;
-	(*in)++;
-	if ( **in == '\0' || (value=_decode_hex_digit(**in)) < 0 )
-		return FALSE;	
-	*out |= value;
-	(*in)++;
-	return (*out != '\0');	
-static bool _uri_add_valid_recipient
-(const struct sieve_enotify_log *nlog, ARRAY_TYPE(recipients) *recipients, 
-	string_t *recipient, bool cc)
-	const char *error;
-	const char *normalized;
-	/* Verify recipient */
-	if ( (normalized=sieve_address_normalize(recipient, &error)) == NULL ) {
-		_uri_parse_error(nlog, "invalid recipient '%s': %s",
-			str_sanitize(str_c(recipient), 80), error);
-		return FALSE;
-	}
-	/* Add recipient to the list */
-	if ( recipients != NULL ) {
-		struct ntfy_mailto_recipient *new_recipient;
-		struct ntfy_mailto_recipient *rcpts;
-		unsigned int count, i;
-		pool_t pool;
-		rcpts = array_get_modifiable(recipients, &count);
-		/* Enforce limits */
-		if ( count >= NTFY_MAILTO_MAX_RECIPIENTS ) {
-			if ( count == NTFY_MAILTO_MAX_RECIPIENTS ) {
-				_uri_parse_warning(nlog, 
-					"more than the maximum %u recipients specified; "
-					"rest is discarded", NTFY_MAILTO_MAX_RECIPIENTS);
-			}
-			return TRUE;	
-		}
-		/* Check for duplicate first */
-		for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
-			if ( sieve_address_compare(rcpts[i].normalized, normalized, TRUE) == 0 ) 
-				{
-				/* Upgrade existing Cc: recipient to a To: recipient if possible */
-				rcpts[i].carbon_copy = ( rcpts[i].carbon_copy && cc );
-				_uri_parse_warning(nlog, "ignored duplicate recipient '%s'",
-					str_sanitize(str_c(recipient), 80));
-				return TRUE;
-			} 
-		}			
-		/* Add */
-		pool = array_get_pool(recipients);
-		new_recipient = array_append_space(recipients);
-		new_recipient->carbon_copy = cc;
-		new_recipient->full = p_strdup(pool, str_c(recipient));
-		new_recipient->normalized = p_strdup(pool, normalized);
-	}
-	return TRUE;
-static bool _uri_parse_recipients
-(const struct sieve_enotify_log *nlog, const char **uri_p, 
-	ARRAY_TYPE(recipients) *recipients_r)
-	string_t *to = t_str_new(128);
-	const char *p = *uri_p;
-	if ( *p == '\0' || *p == '?' )
-		return TRUE;
-	while ( *p != '\0' && *p != '?' ) {
-		if ( *p == '%' ) {
-			/* % encoded character */
-			char ch;
-			p++;
-			/* Parse 2-digit hex value */
-			if ( !_parse_hex_value(&p, &ch) ) {
-				_uri_parse_error(nlog, "invalid %% encoding");
-				return FALSE;
-			}
-			/* Check for delimiter */
-			if ( ch == ',' ) {
-				/* Verify and add recipient */
-				if ( !_uri_add_valid_recipient(nlog, recipients_r, to, FALSE) )
-					return FALSE;
-				/* Reset for next recipient */
-				str_truncate(to, 0);
-			}	else {
-				/* Content character */
-				str_append_c(to, ch);
-			}
-		} else {
-			if ( *p == ':' || *p == ';' || *p == ',' || !_is_qchar(*p) ) {
-				_uri_parse_error
-					(nlog, "invalid character '%c' in 'to' part", *p);
-				return FALSE;
-			}
-			/* Content character */
-			str_append_c(to, *p);
-			p++;
-		}
-	}	
-	/* Skip '?' */
-	if ( *p != '\0' ) p++;
-	/* Verify and add recipient */
-	if ( !_uri_add_valid_recipient(nlog, recipients_r, to, FALSE) )
-		return FALSE;
-	*uri_p = p;
-	return TRUE;
-static bool _uri_parse_header_recipients
-(const struct sieve_enotify_log *nlog, string_t *rcpt_header, 
-	ARRAY_TYPE(recipients) *recipients_r, bool cc)
-	string_t *to = t_str_new(128);
-	const char *p = (const char *) str_data(rcpt_header);
-	const char *pend = p + str_len(rcpt_header);
-	while ( p < pend ) {
-		if ( *p == ',' ) {
-			/* Verify and add recipient */
-			if ( !_uri_add_valid_recipient(nlog, recipients_r, to, cc) )
-				return FALSE;
-			/* Reset for next recipient */
-			str_truncate(to, 0);
-		} else {
-			/* Content character */
-			str_append_c(to, *p);
-		}
-		p++;
-	}	
-	/* Verify and add recipient */
-	if ( !_uri_add_valid_recipient(nlog, recipients_r, to, cc) )
-		return FALSE;
-	return TRUE;	
-static bool _uri_header_is_duplicate
-(ARRAY_TYPE(headers) *headers, const char *field_name)
-	if ( _ntfy_mailto_header_unique(field_name) ) {
-		const struct ntfy_mailto_header_field *hdrs;
-		unsigned int count, i;
-		hdrs = array_get(headers, &count);	
-		for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
-			if ( strcasecmp(hdrs[i].name, field_name) == 0 ) 
-				return TRUE;
-		}
-	}
-	return FALSE;
-static bool _uri_parse_headers
-(const struct sieve_enotify_log *nlog, const char **uri_p, 
-	ARRAY_TYPE(headers) *headers_r, ARRAY_TYPE(recipients) *recipients_r,
-	const char **body, const char **subject)
-	unsigned int header_count = 0;
-	string_t *field = t_str_new(128);
-	const char *p = *uri_p;
-	pool_t pool = NULL;
-	if ( body != NULL )
-		*body = NULL;
-	if ( subject != NULL )
-		*subject = NULL;
-	if ( headers_r != NULL )
-		pool = array_get_pool(headers_r);
-	while ( *p != '\0' ) {
-		enum {
-			_HNAME_TO,
-			_HNAME_CC,
-		} hname_type = _HNAME_GENERIC;
-		struct ntfy_mailto_header_field *hdrf = NULL;
-		const char *field_name;
-		/* Parse field name */
-		while ( *p != '\0' && *p != '=' ) {
-			char ch = *p;
-			p++;
-			if ( ch == '%' ) {
-				/* Encoded, parse 2-digit hex value */
-				if ( !_parse_hex_value(&p, &ch) ) {
-					_uri_parse_error(nlog, "invalid %% encoding");
-					return FALSE;
-				}
-			} else if ( ch != '=' && !_is_qchar(ch) ) {
-				_uri_parse_error
-					(nlog, "invalid character '%c' in header field name part", ch);
-				return FALSE;
-			}
-			str_append_c(field, ch);
-		}
-		if ( *p != '\0' ) p++;
-		/* Verify field name */
-		if ( !rfc2822_header_field_name_verify(str_c(field), str_len(field)) ) {
-			_uri_parse_error(nlog, "invalid header field name");
-			return FALSE;
-		}
-		if ( header_count >= NTFY_MAILTO_MAX_HEADERS ) {
-			/* Refuse to accept more headers than allowed by policy */
-			if ( header_count == NTFY_MAILTO_MAX_HEADERS ) {
-				_uri_parse_warning(nlog, "more than the maximum %u headers specified; "
-					"rest is discarded", NTFY_MAILTO_MAX_HEADERS);
-			}
-			hname_type = _HNAME_IGNORED;
-		} else {
-			/* Add new header field to array and assign its name */
-			field_name = str_c(field);
-			if ( strcasecmp(field_name, "to") == 0 )
-				hname_type = _HNAME_TO;
-			else if ( strcasecmp(field_name, "cc") == 0 )
-				hname_type = _HNAME_CC;
-			else if ( strcasecmp(field_name, "subject") == 0 )
-				hname_type = _HNAME_SUBJECT;
-			else if ( strcasecmp(field_name, "body") == 0 )
-				hname_type = _HNAME_BODY;
-			else if ( _ntfy_mailto_header_allowed(field_name) ) {
-				if ( headers_r != NULL ) {
-					if ( !_uri_header_is_duplicate(headers_r, field_name) ) {
-						hdrf = array_append_space(headers_r);
-						hdrf->name = p_strdup(pool, field_name);
-					} else {
-						_uri_parse_warning(nlog, 
-							"ignored duplicate for unique header field '%s'",
-							str_sanitize(field_name, 32));
-						hname_type = _HNAME_IGNORED;
-					}
-				} else {
-					hname_type = _HNAME_IGNORED;
-				}
-			} else {
-				_uri_parse_warning(nlog, "ignored reserved header field '%s'",
-					str_sanitize(field_name, 32));
-				hname_type = _HNAME_IGNORED;
-			}
-		}
-		header_count++;
-		/* Reset for field body */
-		str_truncate(field, 0);
-		/* Parse field body */		
-		while ( *p != '\0' && *p != '&' ) {
-			char ch = *p;
-			p++;
-			if ( ch == '%' ) {
-				/* Encoded, parse 2-digit hex value */
-				if ( !_parse_hex_value(&p, &ch) ) {
-					_uri_parse_error(nlog, "invalid %% encoding");
-					return FALSE;
-				}
-			} else if ( ch != '=' && !_is_qchar(ch) ) {
-				_uri_parse_error
-					(nlog, "invalid character '%c' in header field value part", ch);
-				return FALSE;
-			}
-			str_append_c(field, ch);
-		}
-		if ( *p != '\0' ) p++;
-		/* Verify field body */
-		if ( hname_type == _HNAME_BODY ) {
-			// FIXME: verify body ... 
-		} else {
-			if ( !rfc2822_header_field_body_verify(str_c(field), str_len(field)) ) {
-				_uri_parse_error
-					(nlog, "invalid header field body");
-				return FALSE;
-			}
-		}
-		/* Assign field body */
-		switch ( hname_type ) {
-			break;
-		case _HNAME_TO:
-			/* Gracefully allow duplicate To fields */
-			if ( !_uri_parse_header_recipients(nlog, field, recipients_r, FALSE) )
-				return FALSE;
-			break;
-		case _HNAME_CC:
-			/* Gracefully allow duplicate Cc fields */
-			if ( !_uri_parse_header_recipients(nlog, field, recipients_r, TRUE) )
-				return FALSE;
-			break;
-			if ( subject != NULL ) {
-				/* Igore duplicate subject field */
-				if ( *subject == NULL )
-					*subject = p_strdup(pool, str_c(field));
-				else
-					_uri_parse_warning(nlog, "ignored duplicate subject field");
-			}
-			break;
-		case _HNAME_BODY:
-			if ( body != NULL ) {
-				/* Igore duplicate body field */
-				if ( *body == NULL )
-					*body = p_strdup(pool, str_c(field));
-				else 
-					_uri_parse_warning(nlog, "ignored duplicate body field");
-			}				
-			break;
-			if ( hdrf != NULL ) 
-				hdrf->body = p_strdup(pool, str_c(field));
-			break;
-		}
-		/* Reset for next name */
-		str_truncate(field, 0);
-	}	
-	/* Skip '&' */
-	if ( *p != '\0' ) p++;
-	*uri_p = p;
-	return TRUE;
-static bool ntfy_mailto_parse_uri
-(const struct sieve_enotify_log *nlog, const char *uri_body, 
-	ARRAY_TYPE(recipients) *recipients_r, ARRAY_TYPE(headers) *headers_r,
-	const char **body, const char **subject)
-	const char *p = uri_body;
-	/* 
-	 * mailtoURI   = "mailto:" [ to ] [ hfields ]
-	 * to          = [ addr-spec *("%2C" addr-spec ) ]
-	 * hfields     = "?" hfield *( "&" hfield )
-	 * hfield      = hfname "=" hfvalue
-	 * hfname      = *qchar
-	 * hfvalue     = *qchar
-	 * addr-spec   = local-part "@" domain
-	 * local-part  = dot-atom / quoted-string
-	 * qchar       = unreserved / pct-encoded / some-delims
-	 * some-delims = "!" / "$" / "'" / "(" / ")" / "*"
-	 *               / "+" / "," / ";" / ":" / "@"
-	 *
-	 * to         ~= *tqchar
-	 * tqchar     ~= <qchar> without ";" and ":" 
-	 * 
-	 * Scheme 'mailto:' already parsed, starting parse after colon
-	 */
-	/* First extract to-part by searching for '?' and decoding % items
-	 */
-	if ( !_uri_parse_recipients(nlog, &p, recipients_r) )
-		return FALSE;	
-	/* Extract hfield items */	
-	while ( *p != '\0' ) {		
-		/* Extract hfield item by searching for '&' and decoding '%' items */
-		if ( !_uri_parse_headers(nlog, &p, headers_r, recipients_r, body, subject) )
-			return FALSE;		
-	}
-	return TRUE;
- * Validation
- */
-static bool ntfy_mailto_compile_check_uri
-(const struct sieve_enotify_log *nlog, const char *uri ATTR_UNUSED,
-	const char *uri_body)
-	ARRAY_TYPE(recipients) recipients;
-	ARRAY_TYPE(headers) headers;
-	const char *body = NULL, *subject = NULL;
-	t_array_init(&recipients, NTFY_MAILTO_MAX_RECIPIENTS);
-	t_array_init(&headers, NTFY_MAILTO_MAX_HEADERS);
-	if ( !ntfy_mailto_parse_uri
-		(nlog, uri_body, &recipients, &headers, &body, &subject) )
-		return FALSE;
-	if ( array_count(&recipients) == 0 )
-		sieve_enotify_warning(nlog, "notification URI specifies no recipients");
-	return TRUE;
-static bool ntfy_mailto_compile_check_from
-(const struct sieve_enotify_log *nlog, string_t *from)
-	const char *error;
-	bool result = FALSE;
-		result = sieve_address_validate(from, &error);
-		if ( !result ) {
-			sieve_enotify_error(nlog,
-				"specified :from address '%s' is invalid for "
-				"the mailto method: %s",
-				str_sanitize(str_c(from), 128), error);
-		}
-	} T_END;
-	return result;
- * Runtime
- */
-static const char *ntfy_mailto_runtime_get_notify_capability
-(const struct sieve_enotify_log *nlog ATTR_UNUSED, const char *uri ATTR_UNUSED, 
-	const char *uri_body, const char *capability)
-	if ( !ntfy_mailto_parse_uri(NULL, uri_body, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) ) {
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	if ( strcasecmp(capability, "online") == 0 ) 
-		return "maybe";
-	return NULL;
-static bool ntfy_mailto_runtime_check_uri
-(const struct sieve_enotify_log *nlog ATTR_UNUSED, const char *uri ATTR_UNUSED,
-	const char *uri_body)
-	return ntfy_mailto_parse_uri(NULL, uri_body, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-static bool ntfy_mailto_runtime_check_operands
-(const struct sieve_enotify_log *nlog, const char *uri ATTR_UNUSED,
-	const char *uri_body, string_t *message ATTR_UNUSED, string_t *from, 
-	pool_t context_pool, void **method_context)
-	struct ntfy_mailto_context *mtctx;
-	const char *error, *normalized;
-	/* Need to create context before validation to have arrays present */
-	mtctx = p_new(context_pool, struct ntfy_mailto_context, 1);
-	/* Validate :from */
-	if ( from != NULL ) {
-		T_BEGIN {
-			normalized = sieve_address_normalize(from, &error);
-			if ( normalized == NULL ) {
-				sieve_enotify_error(nlog,
-					"specified :from address '%s' is invalid for "
-					"the mailto method: %s",
-					str_sanitize(str_c(from), 128), error);
-			} else 
-				mtctx->from_normalized = p_strdup(context_pool, normalized);
-		} T_END;
-		if ( !normalized ) return FALSE;
-	}
-	p_array_init(&mtctx->recipients, context_pool, NTFY_MAILTO_MAX_RECIPIENTS);
-	p_array_init(&mtctx->headers, context_pool, NTFY_MAILTO_MAX_HEADERS);
-	if ( !ntfy_mailto_parse_uri
-		(nlog, uri_body, &mtctx->recipients, &mtctx->headers, &mtctx->body, 
-			&mtctx->subject) ) {
-		return FALSE;
-	}
-	*method_context = (void *) mtctx;
-	return TRUE;	
- * Action duplicates
- */
-static int ntfy_mailto_action_check_duplicates
-(const struct sieve_enotify_log *nlog ATTR_UNUSED, 
-	void *method_ctx1, void *method_ctx2,
-	const char *dupl_location ATTR_UNUSED)
-	struct ntfy_mailto_context *mt_new = 
-		(struct ntfy_mailto_context *) method_ctx1;
-	struct ntfy_mailto_context *mt_old = 
-		(struct ntfy_mailto_context *) method_ctx2;
-	const struct ntfy_mailto_recipient *new_rcpts, *old_rcpts;
-	unsigned int new_count, old_count, i, j;
-	unsigned int del_start = 0, del_len = 0;
-	new_rcpts = array_get(&mt_new->recipients, &new_count);
-	old_rcpts = array_get(&mt_old->recipients, &old_count);
-	for ( i = 0; i < new_count; i++ ) {
-		for ( j = 0; j < old_count; j++ ) {
-			if ( sieve_address_compare
-				(new_rcpts[i].normalized, old_rcpts[j].normalized, TRUE) == 0 )
-				break;				
-		}
-		if ( j == old_count ) {
-			/* Not duplicate */
-			if ( del_len > 0 ) {
-				/* Perform pending deletion */
-				array_delete(&mt_new->recipients, del_start, del_len);
-				/* Make sure the loop integrity is maintained */
-				i -= del_len;
-				new_rcpts = array_get(&mt_new->recipients, &new_count);
-			}
-			del_len = 0;		
-		} else {
-			/* Mark deletion */
-			if ( del_len == 0 )
-				del_start = i;
-			del_len++;
-		}
-	}
-	/* Perform pending deletion */
-	if ( del_len > 0 ) {
-		array_delete(&mt_new->recipients, del_start, del_len);			
-	}
-	return ( array_count(&mt_new->recipients) > 0 ? 0 : 1 );
- * Action printing
- */
-static void ntfy_mailto_action_print
-(const struct sieve_enotify_print_env *penv, 
-	const struct sieve_enotify_action *act)
-	unsigned int count, i;
-	const struct ntfy_mailto_recipient *recipients;
-	const struct ntfy_mailto_header_field *headers;
-	struct ntfy_mailto_context *mtctx = 
-		(struct ntfy_mailto_context *) act->method_context;
-	/* Print main method parameters */
-	sieve_enotify_method_printf
-		(penv,   "    => importance   : %d\n", act->importance);
-	if ( act->message != NULL )
-		sieve_enotify_method_printf
-			(penv, "    => subject      : %s\n", act->message);
-	else if ( mtctx->subject != NULL )
-		sieve_enotify_method_printf
-			(penv, "    => subject      : %s\n", mtctx->subject);
-	if ( act->from != NULL )
-		sieve_enotify_method_printf
-			(penv, "    => from         : %s\n", act->from);
-	/* Print mailto: recipients */
-	sieve_enotify_method_printf(penv,   "    => recipients   :\n" );
-	recipients = array_get(&mtctx->recipients, &count);
-	if ( count == 0 ) {
-		sieve_enotify_method_printf(penv,   "       NONE, action has no effect\n");
-	} else {
-		for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
-			if ( recipients[i].carbon_copy )
-				sieve_enotify_method_printf
-					(penv,   "       + Cc: %s\n", recipients[i].full);
-			else
-				sieve_enotify_method_printf
-					(penv,   "       + To: %s\n", recipients[i].full);
-		}
-	}
-	/* Print accepted headers for notification message */
-	headers = array_get(&mtctx->headers, &count);
-	if ( count > 0 ) {
-		sieve_enotify_method_printf(penv,   "    => headers      :\n" );	
-		for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
-			sieve_enotify_method_printf(penv,   "       + %s: %s\n", 
-				headers[i].name, headers[i].body);
-		}
-	}
-	/* Print body for notification message */
-	if ( mtctx->body != NULL )
-		sieve_enotify_method_printf
-			(penv, "    => body         : \n--\n%s\n--\n", mtctx->body);
-	/* Finish output with an empty line */
-	sieve_enotify_method_printf(penv,   "\n");
- * Action execution
- */
-static bool _contains_8bit(const char *msg)
-	const unsigned char *s = (const unsigned char *)msg;
-	for (; *s != '\0'; s++) {
-		if ((*s & 0x80) != 0)
-			return TRUE;
-	}
-	return FALSE;
-static bool ntfy_mailto_send
-(const struct sieve_enotify_exec_env *nenv, 
-	const struct sieve_enotify_action *act, const char *recipient)
-	const struct sieve_enotify_log *nlog = nenv->notify_log;
-	const struct sieve_message_data *msgdata = nenv->msgdata;
-	const struct sieve_script_env *senv = nenv->scriptenv;
-	struct ntfy_mailto_context *mtctx = 
-		(struct ntfy_mailto_context *) act->method_context;	
-	const char *from = NULL, *from_smtp = NULL; 
-	const char *subject = mtctx->subject;
-	const char *body = mtctx->body;
-	string_t *to, *cc;
-	const struct ntfy_mailto_recipient *recipients;
-	void *smtp_handle;
-	unsigned int count, i;
-	FILE *f;
-	const char *outmsgid;
-	/* Get recipients */
-	recipients = array_get(&mtctx->recipients, &count);
-	if ( count == 0  ) {
-		sieve_enotify_warning(nlog, 
-			"notify mailto uri specifies no recipients; action has no effect");
-		return TRUE;
-	}
-	/* Just to be sure */
-	if ( !sieve_smtp_available(senv) ) {
-		sieve_enotify_warning(nlog, 
-			"notify mailto method has no means to send mail");
-		return TRUE;
-	}
-	/* Determine message from address */
-	if ( act->from == NULL ) {
-		from = t_strdup_printf("Postmaster <%s>", senv->postmaster_address);
-	} else {
-		from = act->from;
-	}
-	/* Determine SMTP from address */
-	if ( sieve_message_get_sender(nenv->msgctx) != NULL ) {
-		if ( mtctx->from_normalized == NULL ) {
-			from_smtp = senv->postmaster_address;
-		} else {
-			from_smtp = mtctx->from_normalized;
-		}
-	}
-	/* Determine subject */
-	if ( act->message != NULL ) {
-		/* FIXME: handle UTF-8 */
-		subject = str_sanitize(act->message, NTFY_MAILTO_MAX_SUBJECT);
-	} else if ( subject == NULL ) {
-		const char *const *hsubject;
-		/* Fetch subject from original message */
-		if ( mail_get_headers_utf8
-			(msgdata->mail, "subject", &hsubject) >= 0 )
-			subject = str_sanitize(t_strdup_printf("Notification: %s", hsubject[0]), 
-		else
-			subject = "Notification: (no subject)";
-	}
-	/* Compose To and Cc headers */
-	to = NULL;
-	cc = NULL;
-	for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
-		if ( recipients[i].carbon_copy ) {
-			if ( cc == NULL ) {
-				cc = t_str_new(256);
-				str_append(cc, recipients[i].full);
-			} else {
-				str_append(cc, ", ");
-				str_append(cc, recipients[i].full);
-			}
-		} else {
-			if ( to == NULL ) {
-				to = t_str_new(256);
-				str_append(to, recipients[i].full);
-			} else {
-				str_append(to, ", ");
-				str_append(to, recipients[i].full);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	/* Send message to all recipients */
-	for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
-		const struct ntfy_mailto_header_field *headers;
-		unsigned int h, hcount;
-		smtp_handle = sieve_smtp_open
-			(senv, recipients[i].normalized, from_smtp, &f);
-		outmsgid = sieve_message_get_new_id(senv);
-		rfc2822_header_field_write(f, "X-Sieve", SIEVE_IMPLEMENTATION);
-		rfc2822_header_field_write(f, "Message-ID", outmsgid);
-		rfc2822_header_field_write(f, "Date", message_date_create(ioloop_time));
-		rfc2822_header_field_utf8_printf(f, "Subject", "%s", subject);
-		rfc2822_header_field_utf8_printf(f, "From", "%s", from);
-		if ( to != NULL )
-			rfc2822_header_field_utf8_printf(f, "To", "%s", str_c(to));
-		if ( cc != NULL )
-			rfc2822_header_field_utf8_printf(f, "Cc", "%s", str_c(cc));
-		rfc2822_header_field_printf(f, "Auto-Submitted", 
-			"auto-notified; owner-email=\"%s\"", recipient);
-		rfc2822_header_field_write(f, "Precedence", "bulk");
-		/* Set importance */
-		switch ( act->importance ) {
-		case 1:
-			rfc2822_header_field_write(f, "X-Priority", "1 (Highest)");
-			rfc2822_header_field_write(f, "Importance", "High");
-			break;
-		case 3:
-			rfc2822_header_field_write(f, "X-Priority", "5 (Lowest)");
-			rfc2822_header_field_write(f, "Importance", "Low");
-			break;
-		case 2:
-		default:
-			rfc2822_header_field_write(f, "X-Priority", "3 (Normal)");
-			rfc2822_header_field_write(f, "Importance", "Normal");
-			break;
-		}
-		/* Add custom headers */
-		headers = array_get(&mtctx->headers, &hcount);
-		for ( h = 0; h < hcount; h++ ) {
-			const char *name = rfc2822_header_field_name_sanitize(headers[h].name);
-			rfc2822_header_field_write(f, name, headers[h].body);
-		}
-		/* Generate message body */
-		if ( body != NULL ) {
-			if (_contains_8bit(body)) {
-				rfc2822_header_field_write(f, "MIME-Version", "1.0");
-				rfc2822_header_field_write
-					(f, "Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=UTF-8");
-				rfc2822_header_field_write(f, "Content-Transfer-Encoding", "8bit");
-			}
-			fprintf(f, "\r\n");
-			fprintf(f, "%s\r\n", body);
-		} else {
-			fprintf(f, "\r\n");
-			fprintf(f, "Notification of new message.\r\n");
-		}
-		if ( sieve_smtp_close(senv, smtp_handle) ) {
-			sieve_enotify_log(nlog, 
-				"sent mail notification to <%s>", 
-				str_sanitize(recipients[i].normalized, 80));
-		} else {
-			sieve_enotify_error(nlog,
-				"failed to send mail notification to <%s> "
-				"(refer to system log for more information)", 
-				str_sanitize(recipients[i].normalized, 80));
-		}
-	}
-	return TRUE;
-static bool ntfy_mailto_action_execute
-(const struct sieve_enotify_exec_env *nenv, 
-	const struct sieve_enotify_action *act)
-	const char *const *headers;
-	const char *sender = sieve_message_get_sender(nenv->msgctx);
-	const char *recipient = sieve_message_get_recipient(nenv->msgctx);
-	/* Is the recipient unset? 
-	 */
-	if ( recipient == NULL ) {
-		sieve_enotify_warning(nenv->notify_log, 
-			"notify mailto action aborted: envelope recipient is <>");
-		return TRUE;
-	}
-	/* Is the message an automatic reply ? */
-	if ( mail_get_headers
-		(nenv->msgdata->mail, "auto-submitted", &headers) >= 0 ) {
-		const char *const *hdsp = headers;
-		/* Theoretically multiple headers could exist, so lets make sure */
-		while ( *hdsp != NULL ) {
-			if ( strcasecmp(*hdsp, "no") != 0 ) {
-				sieve_enotify_log(nenv->notify_log, 
-					"not sending notification for auto-submitted message from <%s>", 
-					str_sanitize(sender, 128));	
-					return TRUE;				 
-			}
-			hdsp++;
-		}
-	}
-	return ntfy_mailto_send(nenv, act, recipient);