diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index 2b774dd4bb5e6a48d18930afeac1479d9137fe84..6c5bb642d96c82c51e08f9bdb1e66d5371ea8ae4 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ v0.2.3 14-04-2011 Stephan Bosch <stephan@rename-it.nl>
 	+ Vacation extension: implemented the (draft) vacation-seconds extension.
 	  This also adds min/max period configuration settings. Refer to 
 	  doc/vacation.txt for configuration information. 
-    - ManageSieve: fixed bug in UTF-8 checking of string values. This is done
+	- ManageSieve: fixed bug in UTF-8 checking of string values. This is done
 	  by discarding the original implementation and migrating to the Dovecot
 	  API's UTF-8 functionality.  
 	- Sieve command line tools now avoid initializing the mail store unless
diff --git a/README b/README
index 38759036358910c002c2b2540ff03aed704e3251..0bd6f57fa3ac2717f5a12823fb03b0ba4372cbda 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -100,28 +100,30 @@ following list outlines the implementation status of each supported extension:
     copy (RFC 3894): fully supported.
     body (RFC 5173): almost fully supported, but the text body-transform
-      implementation is simple and some issues make it still not completely RFC 
-      compliant.
+        implementation is simple and some issues make it still not completely
+        RFC compliant.
     environment (RFC 5183): basic support is provided (v0.1.5+).
     variables (RFC 5229): fully supported.
     vacation (RFC 5230): fully supported.
+      + vacation-seconds (RFC 6131): fully supported (v0.2.3+).
     relational (RFC 5231): fully supported.
     imap4flags (RFC 5232): fully supported.
     subaddress (RFC 5233): fully supported, but with limited configurability.
-    spamtest and virustest (RFC 5235): fully supported (v0.1.16+), but currently
-      considered experimental.
-    date (RFC 5260; page 3): fully supported (v0.1.12+).
-    reject (RFC 5429; page 6): fully supported.
-    enotify (RFC 5435): fully supported (v0.1.3+). Currently, only the mailto
-      notification mechanism (RFC 5436) is available. The xmpp notification
-      mechanism (RFC 5437) is under development and will become available as a 
-      plugin.
-    mailbox (RFC 5490; page 2): fully supported (v0.1.10+), but ACL permissions
-      are not verified for mailboxexists.
+    spamtest and virustest (RFC 5235): fully supported (v0.1.16+), but
+        currently considered experimental.
+    date (RFC 5260; Section 4): fully supported (v0.1.12+).
+    reject (RFC 5429; Section 2.2): fully supported.
+    enotify (RFC 5435): fully supported (v0.1.3+).
+        mailto method (RFC 5436): fully supported (v0.1.3+).
+        xmpp method (RFC 5437): is under development and will become available
+          as a plugin.
+    ihave (RFC 5463): fully supported (v0.2.4+). 
+    mailbox (RFC 5490; Section 3): fully supported (v0.1.10+), but ACL
+        permissions are not verified for mailboxexists.
     include (draft v05): almost fully supported, but interaction with
-      ManageSieve is not in accordance with specification.
+        ManageSieve is not in accordance with specification.
     regex (draft v08; not latest ietf version): almost fully supported, but
-      UTF-8 is not supported.
+        UTF-8 is not supported.
   The following deprecated extensions are supported for backwards
@@ -139,7 +141,6 @@ following list outlines the implementation status of each supported extension:
   useful for Dovecot in particular, but many of them are. Currently, the
   author has taken notice of the following extensions:
-    vacation-seconds (draft): planned.
     index (RFC 5260; page 7): planned.
     editheader (RFC 5293): planned.
     foreverypart, mime, replace, enclose, and extracttext (RFC 5703): planned.